Story: Chitchat 3

  1. Location: The Library – Floor of Philosophy
Chitchat 3 Location: The Library – Floor of Philosophy Hokma (Patron Librarian - Religion) You seem rather quiet here. Audio: "ch100_Smallstory_ep3_Hokma_1" Binah (Patron Librarian - Philosophy) What more needs to be said? My role is only to observe. Audio: "ch100_Smallstory_ep3_Binah_1" Hokma (Patron Librarian - Religion) To observe, is it… Audio: "ch100_Smallstory_ep3_Hokma_2" Binah (Patron Librarian - Philosophy) Indeed so. Some would think that this is merely a form of neglect. I see that you are one of them. Audio: "ch100_Smallstory_ep3_Binah_2" Hokma (Patron Librarian - Religion) I was simply curious. We haven’t had many opportunities to talk with one another. Audio: "ch100_Smallstory_ep3_Hokma_3" Binah (Patron Librarian - Philosophy) There were practically none, were there? Neither you nor I left our respective posts. Audio: "ch100_Smallstory_ep3_Binah_3" Binah (Patron Librarian - Philosophy) Yet now you have the time to visit me of all people for a chat… It must indicate that we are freer than before, able to spare more of our moments. Audio: "ch100_Smallstory_ep3_Binah_4" Hokma (Patron Librarian - Religion) Do you not welcome this change? Audio: "ch100_Smallstory_ep3_Hokma_4" Binah (Patron Librarian - Philosophy) I’m not quite certain of my sentiments. Audio: "ch100_Smallstory_ep3_Binah_5" Binah (Patron Librarian - Philosophy) Regardless… Have a warm cup of tea, now that you are here. Audio: "ch100_Smallstory_ep3_Binah_6" Hokma (Patron Librarian - Religion) …If you’d be so kind. Audio: "ch100_Smallstory_ep3_Hokma_5" Hokma (Patron Librarian - Religion) Say, have you never tried other types of tea? It appears as though black is all you drink. Audio: "ch100_Smallstory_ep3_Hokma_6" Binah (Patron Librarian - Philosophy) Maybe so. There are enough variants of black tea that I have not bothered in attempting to imbibe other beverages. Audio: "ch100_Smallstory_ep3_Binah_7" Binah (Patron Librarian - Philosophy) Ah, although the azure-maned noble boy insists around the clock that I partake of coffee. Audio: "ch100_Smallstory_ep3_Binah_8" Hokma (Patron Librarian - Religion) It is certainly true that there has been much change. I wouldn’t have expected that he would approach you first to recommend coffee. Audio: "ch100_Smallstory_ep3_Hokma_7" Binah (Patron Librarian - Philosophy) One day, perchance, all of us will come together. Audio: "ch100_Smallstory_ep3_Binah_9" Binah (Patron Librarian - Philosophy) Indeed… It will be quite different from the first time such a gathering took place. Audio: "ch100_Smallstory_ep3_Binah_10" Hokma (Patron Librarian - Religion) I must wonder if the day shall come when we all will engage in casual conversation and share trivial tales. I am rather doubtful of it. Audio: "ch100_Smallstory_ep3_Hokma_8" Binah (Patron Librarian - Philosophy) Yet deep down, you are looking forward to it. Perhaps everyone shares the same feelings. Audio: "ch100_Smallstory_ep3_Binah_11" Hokma (Patron Librarian - Religion) Audio: "ch100_Smallstory_ep3_Hokma_9" Hokma (Patron Librarian - Religion) I’ve finished my cup, so I’ll be taking my leave now. I appreciate the hospitality. Audio: "ch100_Smallstory_ep3_Hokma_10" Binah (Patron Librarian - Philosophy) Rendezvous anytime. Tea will always be ready and waiting. Audio: "ch100_Smallstory_ep3_Binah_12"