Story: NetzachEpisode 3

  1. Location: The Library - Floor of Art
  2. Location: Lobotomy Corporation Headquarters
  3. Location: The Library - Floor of Art
NetzachEpisode 3 Location: The Library - Floor of Art Netzach (Patron Librarian - Art) Hey, did you know that art is inseparable from alcohol? Audio: "ch8_Netzach_ep3_netzach1" Roland (Servant) Oh yeah, I heard that. They say art is all about flashes of inspiration, right? Audio: "ch8_Netzach_ep3_roland1" Netzach (Patron Librarian - Art) You know it. Maybe we’re on the same page after all. Audio: "ch8_Netzach_ep3_netzach2" Roland (Servant) Oh, you brought a different booze this time. Absinthe? Audio: "ch8_Netzach_ep3_roland2" Netzach (Patron Librarian - Art) This is the liquor with a legacy that’s so deeply tied to art, it’s almost legendary. Audio: "ch8_Netzach_ep3_netzach3" Netzach (Patron Librarian - Art) Since I’m in charge of arts, I could use some stimulation to work like a real artist. Audio: "ch8_Netzach_ep3_netzach4" Roland (Servant) Khh… This one’s pretty strong, but it’s charming nonetheless. Audio: "ch8_Netzach_ep3_roland3" Roland (Servant) What if Angela scolds us like the last time, though? Audio: "ch8_Netzach_ep3_roland4" Netzach (Patron Librarian - Art) Eh, we can worry about that later. Audio: "ch8_Netzach_ep3_netzach5" Roland (Servant) Works for me. By the way, just thought I’d mention there’s no need to worry about courtesy n’ stuff with me. Audio: "ch8_Netzach_ep3_roland5" Netzach (Patron Librarian - Art) I’d say it’s more comfortable for me to go with courtesy. Audio: "ch8_Netzach_ep3_netzach6" Roland (Servant) Alright then. Audio: "ch8_Netzach_ep3_roland6" Netzach (Patron Librarian - Art) Look at this glowing green liquor. It’s just like the arts of this City. Audio: "ch8_Netzach_ep3_netzach7" Netzach (Patron Librarian - Art) Imitations that are provocative but nothing else… Imitations of imitations, in fact. Audio: "ch8_Netzach_ep3_netzach8" Netzach (Patron Librarian - Art) Though I don’t see any point in being original, either. I’m likely someone or something else’s imitation, too. Audio: "ch8_Netzach_ep3_netzach9" Roland (Servant) As if stuff like originality or arts even matters in the City in the first place. Audio: "ch8_Netzach_ep3_roland7" Roland (Servant) All those self-proclaimed artists are nutcases. Audio: "ch8_Netzach_ep3_roland8" Roland (Servant) They seem to be mistaking any stimulation that’s stronger than usual for art. Just like how I’m praising this drink as a work of art. Audio: "ch8_Netzach_ep3_roland9" Netzach (Patron Librarian - Art) The Pianist must’ve been one hell of a stimulant, then. Audio: "ch8_Netzach_ep3_netzach10" Netzach (Patron Librarian - Art) I heard that its music was a hair-raising masterpiece that awoke this gray city from its ennui. Audio: "ch8_Netzach_ep3_netzach11" Roland (Servant) Well, the intensity was unprecedented, that’s for sure. Audio: "ch8_Netzach_ep3_roland10" Roland (Servant) And some are still hungover from that performance, like they were slammed with a real strong booze. Audio: "ch8_Netzach_ep3_roland11" Netzach (Patron Librarian - Art) How about you? Audio: "ch8_Netzach_ep3_netzach12" Roland (Servant) I must be one of ‘em, I suppose? I never heard that kind of music before. Audio: "ch8_Netzach_ep3_roland12" Roland (Servant) I guess you’ve taken a liking to arts, seeing as you’re talking about all this. Audio: "ch8_Netzach_ep3_roland13" Netzach (Patron Librarian - Art) True. If I could choose to live a different life, I might have been a painter or something. Audio: "ch8_Netzach_ep3_netzach13" Roland (Servant) Painter, huh… Audio: "ch8_Netzach_ep3_roland14" Netzach (Patron Librarian - Art) I’d be able to quietly express all my emotions on the painting. Audio: "ch8_Netzach_ep3_netzach14" Netzach (Patron Librarian - Art) Maybe I could’ve lived a humble life just like that. Audio: "ch8_Netzach_ep3_netzach15" Roland (Servant) And how’d a modest man like yourself end up getting involved in something as grandiose as “curing humanity”? Audio: "ch8_Netzach_ep3_roland15" Netzach (Patron Librarian - Art) It really is a mystery. I’m not even sure. I think I wanted to be of help to someone. Audio: "ch8_Netzach_ep3_netzach16" Roland (Servant) Ooh, a someone? Perhaps your first love~? Audio: "ch8_Netzach_ep3_roland16" Netzach (Patron Librarian - Art) Was it love, really? Even if it were, it wouldn’t have worked out anyway. Audio: "ch8_Netzach_ep3_netzach17" Netzach (Patron Librarian - Art) But I was still holding onto the hope that I could make something better. Audio: "ch8_Netzach_ep3_netzach18" Netzach (Patron Librarian - Art) That if I let go of my life, I could bring a bigger hope to some other person. Audio: "ch8_Netzach_ep3_netzach19" Netzach (Patron Librarian - Art) That’s why I participated in the research. That’s why I stood against Angela. Audio: "ch8_Netzach_ep3_netzach20" Location: Lobotomy Corporation Headquarters Angela (AI Secretary) Isn’t it about time we ended this stalemate? Audio: "ch8_Netzach_ep3_angela1" Angela (AI Secretary) We’re at the dawn of the fourth day. If you are to drag on any further, I’ll be left with no choice but to terminate all of you instantly. Audio: "ch8_Netzach_ep3_angela2" Gebura (Disciplinary Team Sephirah) I’m with you on this one. We’re never going to beat you at this rate. Audio: "ch8_Netzach_ep3_gebura1" Gebura (Disciplinary Team Sephirah) I didn’t fight to spread only a meager half of the light. Audio: "ch8_Netzach_ep3_gebura2" Hod (Training Team Sephirah) Gebura! How could you agree with her… We might lose everything. Audio: "ch8_Netzach_ep3_hod1" Tiphereth (Central Command Team Sephirah) I’m with Angela, too. Enoch’s death deserves a better meaning than this half-baked light. Audio: "ch8_Netzach_ep3_tiphereth1" Yesod (Information Team Sephirah) I am not willing to gamble with everything we’ve worked for. Audio: "ch8_Netzach_ep3_yesod1" Chesed (Welfare Team Sephirah) Say, Angela. If what you’re saying is true, does that mean the employees who died in this place can come back as well? Audio: "ch8_Netzach_ep3_chesed1" Angela (AI Secretary) Indeed. You and your employees will wake up with brand new bodies. Audio: "ch8_Netzach_ep3_angela3" Netzach (Safety Team Sephirah) That doesn’t erase all the pain we and the employees went through. Audio: "ch8_Netzach_ep3_netzach21" Malkuth (Control Team Sephirah) And all our hard work too…! Audio: "ch8_Netzach_ep3_malkuth1" Hokma (Record Team Sephirah) Even if this deal were to be put through, it will only delay the inevitable. Audio: "ch8_Netzach_ep3_hokma1" Hokma (Record Team Sephirah) How can we trust you not to betray us yet again? Audio: "ch8_Netzach_ep3_hokma2" Angela (AI Secretary) Betray? Don’t be absurd. Audio: "ch8_Netzach_ep3_angela4" Angela (AI Secretary) Have we ever once gathered around a table calmly discussing what we should do with this light? Audio: "ch8_Netzach_ep3_angela5" Angela (AI Secretary) We haven’t. I’ll make sure to keep this promise, though. Audio: "ch8_Netzach_ep3_angela6" Angela (AI Secretary) Both you and I require the light in its whole, albeit for different reasons. Audio: "ch8_Netzach_ep3_angela7" Angela (AI Secretary) I could use up this residue of light left for me right now, but I’d much prefer to have all of it. Audio: "ch8_Netzach_ep3_angela8" Angela (AI Secretary) So I’d like to live more. I don’t care if you want to die or not; I want to live my own life. Audio: "ch8_Netzach_ep3_angela9" Angela (AI Secretary) And I’d like to learn more about the City and about this world I live in. Audio: "ch8_Netzach_ep3_angela10" Hod (Training Team Sephirah) Angela… Audio: "ch8_Netzach_ep3_hod2" Angela (AI Secretary) Once we’ve reclaimed all of the light… Audio: "ch8_Netzach_ep3_angela11" Angela (AI Secretary) You are free to lay judgement upon me when that time comes. Audio: "ch8_Netzach_ep3_angela12" Angela (AI Secretary) Though I won’t sit back, of course. Audio: "ch8_Netzach_ep3_angela13" Angela (AI Secretary) That is all I have to offer. Audio: "ch8_Netzach_ep3_angela14" Angela (AI Secretary) If no one else objects, I’ll proceed with it right away. Audio: "ch8_Netzach_ep3_angela15" Hokma (Record Team Sephirah) I shall become a sentinel once more and watch your every action… Audio: "ch8_Netzach_ep3_hokma3" Binah (Extraction Team Sephirah) It appears that we all have come to an agreement. Audio: "ch8_Netzach_ep3_binah1" Angela (AI Secretary) Don’t worry, I have no plans to let this be the end. Audio: "ch8_Netzach_ep3_angela16" Angela (AI Secretary) Life will call out to you once again, so take a nap until then. Audio: "ch8_Netzach_ep3_angela17" Location: The Library - Floor of Art Netzach (Patron Librarian - Art) Whoever says out loud they wanna die is lying. Audio: "ch8_Netzach_ep3_netzach22" Netzach (Patron Librarian - Art) They actually want to live more than anyone, so they express that urge in one way or another. Audio: "ch8_Netzach_ep3_netzach23" Netzach (Patron Librarian - Art) On the other hand, when someone is genuinely willing to die, they end up disappearing silently. Audio: "ch8_Netzach_ep3_netzach24" Netzach (Patron Librarian - Art) When Angela said she wanted to live, I felt something within me. Audio: "ch8_Netzach_ep3_netzach25" Netzach (Patron Librarian - Art) That I want to live, too. Audio: "ch8_Netzach_ep3_netzach26" Roland (Servant) No one really wants to die, man. Audio: "ch8_Netzach_ep3_roland17" Roland (Servant) They all seem to regret it moments before death. Audio: "ch8_Netzach_ep3_roland18" Roland (Servant) Well, it’s usually too late for ‘em by the time they realize that. Audio: "ch8_Netzach_ep3_roland19" Netzach (Patron Librarian - Art) You seem well versed in that kinda stuff. Audio: "ch8_Netzach_ep3_netzach27" Roland (Servant) You get to see all kinds of people when you work as a Fixer. Audio: "ch8_Netzach_ep3_roland20" Netzach (Patron Librarian - Art) When I saw that desperation to live… Audio: "ch8_Netzach_ep3_netzach28" Netzach (Patron Librarian - Art) I was reminded of the many employees who died right in front of my eyes back in Lobotomy Corp. Audio: "ch8_Netzach_ep3_netzach29" Netzach (Patron Librarian - Art) It’s ironic how we were trying to save humanity yet couldn’t save the people right next to us. Audio: "ch8_Netzach_ep3_netzach30" Netzach (Patron Librarian - Art) That’s when I thought: if I could live more, what would I want to do? Audio: "ch8_Netzach_ep3_netzach31" Roland (Servant) It’s a good idea to think about your next move, yeah. Audio: "ch8_Netzach_ep3_roland21" Netzach (Patron Librarian - Art) How about you, Roland? Are you going to go back to being a Fixer once you’re free? Audio: "ch8_Netzach_ep3_netzach32" Roland (Servant) Well, I’ll have to think more on that. I still have a long way to go. Audio: "ch8_Netzach_ep3_roland22" Roland (Servant) Let’s give it our best shot. Audio: "ch8_Netzach_ep3_roland23" Roland (Servant) Alright! Here’s to us~ Audio: "ch8_Netzach_ep3_roland24" Netzach (Patron Librarian - Art) I can toast to that alright. Here’s to us~ Audio: "ch8_Netzach_ep3_netzach33"