Story: HodEpisode 4

  1. Location: The Library - Floor of Literature
HodEpisode 4 Location: The Library - Floor of Literature Roland (Servant) I like how quiet and peaceful this floor can be. Audio: "ch8_Hod_ep4_roland1" Roland (Servant) And the librarians here seem calm and collected, just like you are, Hod. Audio: "ch8_Hod_ep4_roland2" Hod (Patron Librarian - Literature) Oh, hey Roland. Audio: "ch8_Hod_ep4_hod1 (2)" Hod (Patron Librarian - Literature) They may seem meek and quiet, but when they work, they work hard. I rely on them a lot. Audio: "ch8_Hod_ep4_hod2" Roland (Servant) And I’m relying on my librarians quite a bit, too. Audio: "ch8_Hod_ep4_roland3" Roland (Servant) What are you guys doing anyway, all gathered up here? Doesn’t seem like you’re sorting books. Audio: "ch8_Hod_ep4_roland4" Hod (Patron Librarian - Literature) We were having a meetup of our book discussion club. We pick a book that catches our attention, read it, and then talk about it. Audio: "ch8_Hod_ep4_hod3 (2)" Roland (Servant) Not exactly the kind of meetups the librarians on my floor would like to have. Audio: "ch8_Hod_ep4_roland5" Roland (Servant) I’m guessing your librarians are all gladly joining in with you then? Audio: "ch8_Hod_ep4_roland6" Hod (Patron Librarian - Literature) Yeah, they are. They’re helping me out with this more passionately than I expected. Audio: "ch8_Hod_ep4_hod4" Roland (Servant) I was thinking at least some of ‘em would protest out of laziness. Audio: "ch8_Hod_ep4_roland7" Roland (Servant) Imagine if you asked Netzach to join. He’d have run away before the meetup could even start. Audio: "ch8_Hod_ep4_roland8" Hod (Patron Librarian - Literature) Hahaha. You’ve got that right, he totally would. Audio: "ch8_Hod_ep4_hod5" Hod (Patron Librarian - Literature) Still, I can tell things have changed from the past. Audio: "ch8_Hod_ep4_hod6 (2)" Hod (Patron Librarian - Literature) I used to have similar meetups back in Lobotomy Corp, you see. Audio: "ch8_Hod_ep4_hod7 (2)" Roland (Servant) Really? I suppose those weren’t the peaceful book club meetings you have now. Audio: "ch8_Hod_ep4_roland9" Hod (Patron Librarian - Literature) You’re right. I ran a counseling program with my employees. Audio: "ch8_Hod_ep4_hod8 (2)" Hod (Patron Librarian - Literature) They were always living in fear of the Abnormalities if they were lucky enough to survive. I wanted to be of help somehow. Audio: "ch8_Hod_ep4_hod9 (2)" Hod (Patron Librarian - Literature) But back then, I imposed myself and my ideas on them too hard. Audio: "ch8_Hod_ep4_hod10" Hod (Patron Librarian - Literature) If the employees seemed ever so slightly uncomfortable with counseling, I’d beat myself up over it and let the wound fester inside of me. Audio: "ch8_Hod_ep4_hod11 (2)" Hod (Patron Librarian - Literature) I was upset that no one understood my goodwill. Audio: "ch8_Hod_ep4_hod12 (2)" Roland (Servant) Sorry to say this, but… Past you sounds like a tiring one to deal with. Audio: "ch8_Hod_ep4_roland10" Hod (Patron Librarian - Literature) …I know, right? I think so too. Audio: "ch8_Hod_ep4_hod13" Hod (Patron Librarian - Literature) All the things I did to help others weren’t really out of goodwill or anything. Audio: "ch8_Hod_ep4_hod14 (2)" Hod (Patron Librarian - Literature) I was just seeking consolation for myself. Audio: "ch8_Hod_ep4_hod15 (2)" Hod (Patron Librarian - Literature) I wanted forgiveness for the misdeed I committed in my first life. Audio: "ch8_Hod_ep4_hod16 (2)" Hod (Patron Librarian - Literature) By being helpful to others somehow. Audio: "ch8_Hod_ep4_hod17 (2)" Roland (Servant) So, did you get to be a helpful person? Audio: "ch8_Hod_ep4_roland11" Hod (Patron Librarian - Literature) No… There’s no way I’d actually be of any help with that kind of mindset. Audio: "ch8_Hod_ep4_hod18" Hod (Patron Librarian - Literature) I even tried Enkephalin. Audio: "ch8_Hod_ep4_hod19" Roland (Servant) Enkephalin, huh… The pressure must’ve been serious if you started doing drugs… Audio: "ch8_Hod_ep4_roland12" Hod (Patron Librarian - Literature) Despite everything I tried, I couldn’t find salvation anywhere. Audio: "ch8_Hod_ep4_hod20" Hod (Patron Librarian - Literature) Nothing I did could liberate me from the fact I was a bad person and a sinner. Audio: "ch8_Hod_ep4_hod21 (2)" Roland (Servant) And then you almost had the chance to take that weight off your mind, but Angela foiled that in the end? Audio: "ch8_Hod_ep4_roland13" Hod (Patron Librarian - Literature) Yeah, that’s how it went. Audio: "ch8_Hod_ep4_hod22" Hod (Patron Librarian - Literature) Even when Angela was standing in our way, I was only thinking about myself. Selfish, wasn’t I? Audio: "ch8_Hod_ep4_hod23 (2)" Hod (Patron Librarian - Literature) “This was my one and only chance to finally repent once and for all, but it all came to naught…” Audio: "ch8_Hod_ep4_hod24" Hod (Patron Librarian - Literature) It’s silly, I know… I was still too stupid to realize it then. Audio: "ch8_Hod_ep4_hod25" Hod (Patron Librarian - Literature) That you can’t just become a good person through a good deed or two. Audio: "ch8_Hod_ep4_hod26 (2)" Hod (Patron Librarian - Literature) What really matters is the mindset that prompts you to do such deeds. Audio: "ch8_Hod_ep4_hod27 (2)" Roland (Servant) And how’d you run into that realization? Audio: "ch8_Hod_ep4_roland14" Hod (Patron Librarian - Literature) Well, I learned it after talking to my librarians face to face and holding lots of meetups like this, ironically enough. Audio: "ch8_Hod_ep4_hod28" Hod (Patron Librarian - Literature) I carefully suggested having these book club meetups, too. Audio: "ch8_Hod_ep4_hod29 (2)" Hod (Patron Librarian - Literature) Like you said, a few librarians didn’t like the idea at first. Audio: "ch8_Hod_ep4_hod30" Hod (Patron Librarian - Literature) But when I explained why I wanted to hold this meetup and how I felt, they warmed up to it and helped me out with enthusiasm. Audio: "ch8_Hod_ep4_hod31 (2)" Hod (Patron Librarian - Literature) It wasn’t about the method or action itself. Audio: "ch8_Hod_ep4_hod32 (2)" Hod (Patron Librarian - Literature) I realized that we should lay our hearts out in the open and let our thoughts confront each other. Audio: "ch8_Hod_ep4_hod33 (2)" Roland (Servant) All’s well that ends well. Audio: "ch8_Hod_ep4_roland15" Hod (Patron Librarian - Literature) For sure. Maybe Angela looked forward to this outcome? Audio: "ch8_Hod_ep4_hod34 (2)" Roland (Servant) Hmm… Not sure if our prideful Miss Library Director had the delicacy to set up a plan so considerate. Audio: "ch8_Hod_ep4_roland16" Hod (Patron Librarian - Literature) …I think I’m going to confront her for real this time. Audio: "ch8_Hod_ep4_hod35 (2)" Roland (Servant) For what, exactly? Audio: "ch8_Hod_ep4_roland17" Hod (Patron Librarian - Literature) I’ll face Angela and let her know what I think. Audio: "ch8_Hod_ep4_hod36 (2)" Roland (Servant) That’s going to take some courage. Audio: "ch8_Hod_ep4_roland18" Hod (Patron Librarian - Literature) You’re right. Angela still feels a bit distant and scary to me, but I’ll try to approach her nonetheless. Audio: "ch8_Hod_ep4_hod37" Roland (Servant) And I’ll be rooting for you from the sidelines when that time comes! Audio: "ch8_Hod_ep4_roland19" Hod (Patron Librarian - Literature) You might end up losing your limbs again if things don’t go well. Are you gonna be okay with that? Audio: "ch8_Hod_ep4_hod38 (2)" Roland (Servant) …From a distance, of course! Audio: "ch8_Hod_ep4_roland20" Hod (Patron Librarian - Literature) You’re a coward just like me, aren’t you, Roland? Audio: "ch8_Hod_ep4_hod39 (2)" Roland (Servant) Well hey, birds of a feather flock together. Let’s be both brave, together as cowards. Audio: "ch8_Hod_ep4_roland21" Hod (Patron Librarian - Literature) Yeah. Thanks for the encouragement, Roland. Audio: "ch8_Hod_ep4_hod40"