Story: MalkuthEpisode 4

  1. Location: The Library - Floor of History
MalkuthEpisode 4 Location: The Library - Floor of History Malkuth (Patron Librarian - History) Good work, everyone! Audio: "ch8_Malkuth_ep4_malkuth1" Roland (Servant) Cheerful as always, Malkuth. What are you up to? Audio: "ch8_Malkuth_ep4_roland1" Malkuth (Patron Librarian - History) Oh, hi Roland! I was just having a training session with the assistant librarians. Audio: "ch8_Malkuth_ep4_malkuth2-01" Roland (Servant) Seems lively. Guess you’re good friends with each other? Audio: "ch8_Malkuth_ep4_roland2" Malkuth (Patron Librarian - History) They were my employees back in Lobotomy Corp! Audio: "ch8_Malkuth_ep4_malkuth3-01" Malkuth (Patron Librarian - History) Back then, I could only assist them from the backseat, rather than on the field. Audio: "ch8_Malkuth_ep4_malkuth4-01" Malkuth (Patron Librarian - History) It’s nice to be able to work alongside them this time around! Audio: "ch8_Malkuth_ep4_malkuth5" Roland (Servant) Former coworkers from Lobotomy Corp, huh… Must be refreshing. Audio: "ch8_Malkuth_ep4_roland3" Malkuth (Patron Librarian - History) It sure is! I used to push them too hard because of my faulty mindset. Audio: "ch8_Malkuth_ep4_malkuth6" Malkuth (Patron Librarian - History) But it’ll be different this time. We’ll start with the things we can do, one at a time. Audio: "ch8_Malkuth_ep4_malkuth7" Malkuth (Patron Librarian - History) “Face the past, and build the future!” Audio: "ch8_Malkuth_ep4_malkuth8" Malkuth (Patron Librarian - History) I like this quote. It feels like a good way to summarize the essence of history. It’s similar to something I would hear before too. Audio: "ch8_Malkuth_ep4_malkuth9-01" Roland (Servant) You ain’t wrong. But there aren’t too many people who can actually learn from history these days. Audio: "ch8_Malkuth_ep4_roland4" Roland (Servant) The lessons seem obvious, but putting them into action is the hard part. Audio: "ch8_Malkuth_ep4_roland5" Malkuth (Patron Librarian - History) I’ve been thinking about the past a lot. Audio: "ch8_Malkuth_ep4_malkuth10" Malkuth (Patron Librarian - History) I was a person called Elijah. Audio: "ch8_Malkuth_ep4_malkuth11" Roland (Servant) That your first life? Audio: "ch8_Malkuth_ep4_roland6" Malkuth (Patron Librarian - History) Yep. Born in the Nest as an ordinary citizen, went to an ordinary school. Audio: "ch8_Malkuth_ep4_malkuth12-01" Malkuth (Patron Librarian - History) I wasn’t anyone special. I wasn’t richer than most people, and I didn’t really have special talent in any field. Audio: "ch8_Malkuth_ep4_malkuth13" Malkuth (Patron Librarian - History) The people in the Nest where Elijah lived… They all seemed to have lost focus in life, spacing out and staring into empty places. Audio: "ch8_Malkuth_ep4_malkuth14" Malkuth (Patron Librarian - History) Everyone only saw black and white things. Audio: "ch8_Malkuth_ep4_malkuth15-01" Roland (Servant) Isn’t the Nest full of shiny and bright arrays of colors? It was almost an eyesore sometimes. Audio: "ch8_Malkuth_ep4_roland7" Malkuth (Patron Librarian - History) That’s true, but those other colors weren’t necessary for reading. Audio: "ch8_Malkuth_ep4_malkuth16" Malkuth (Patron Librarian - History) There’s already too many black and white things for the eyes to take, it’s no use seeing other, useless colors… Audio: "ch8_Malkuth_ep4_malkuth17" Roland (Servant) Hmm, I guess Elijah could see those colors, then? Audio: "ch8_Malkuth_ep4_roland8" Malkuth (Patron Librarian - History) Not exactly, but… she tried hard to see them! The colors were still there, just not for our eyes. Audio: "ch8_Malkuth_ep4_malkuth18" Malkuth (Patron Librarian - History) Elijah wanted to let others know. Audio: "ch8_Malkuth_ep4_malkuth19" Malkuth (Patron Librarian - History) About how diverse and brilliant colors are… Audio: "ch8_Malkuth_ep4_malkuth20" Malkuth (Patron Librarian - History) About how colors are ever-changing and free-form, like how the mix of two colors can bring out a brand new color. Audio: "ch8_Malkuth_ep4_malkuth21" Malkuth (Patron Librarian - History) That’s what Elijah thought, I think! Audio: "ch8_Malkuth_ep4_malkuth22" Roland (Servant) You sound like you’re talking about someone else, third-person. Audio: "ch8_Malkuth_ep4_roland9" Malkuth (Patron Librarian - History) To be honest, I don’t really feel like Elijah and I are one and the same. Audio: "ch8_Malkuth_ep4_malkuth23" Malkuth (Patron Librarian - History) Maybe too much time has passed since then. Audio: "ch8_Malkuth_ep4_malkuth24" Malkuth (Patron Librarian - History) The other librarians probably feel the same. Audio: "ch8_Malkuth_ep4_malkuth25" Malkuth (Patron Librarian - History) My current life feels more like an extension of that life as Malkuth from Lobotomy Corp, rather. Audio: "ch8_Malkuth_ep4_malkuth26" Malkuth (Patron Librarian - History) My time as Elijah feels kinda distant and unfamiliar, even though it was my first life… Audio: "ch8_Malkuth_ep4_malkuth27" Malkuth (Patron Librarian - History) It’s like, the memories of someone from a distant past are now a part of me, if you know what I mean? Audio: "ch8_Malkuth_ep4_malkuth28" Malkuth (Patron Librarian - History) It’s nostalgic in a way, and a bit sad and stuff! Audio: "ch8_Malkuth_ep4_malkuth29" Roland (Servant) I don’t know a whole lot about that reincarnation jazz, but I guess that’s a good thing? Audio: "ch8_Malkuth_ep4_roland10" Malkuth (Patron Librarian - History) Yeah! It doesn’t feel so bad. Audio: "ch8_Malkuth_ep4_malkuth30" Malkuth (Patron Librarian - History) It feels good to finally have the time to reflect on myself. Audio: "ch8_Malkuth_ep4_malkuth31-01" Malkuth (Patron Librarian - History) Looking back at the lives I lived, and the history I made. Audio: "ch8_Malkuth_ep4_malkuth32" Malkuth (Patron Librarian - History) I think we didn’t spend enough time looking back. We were all too busy heading forward. Audio: "ch8_Malkuth_ep4_malkuth33" Malkuth (Patron Librarian - History) And the same goes for Angela, maybe… Audio: "ch8_Malkuth_ep4_malkuth34-01" Roland (Servant) No one has the time to look back. Even now, I’m running straight ahead. Audio: "ch8_Malkuth_ep4_roland11" Roland (Servant) But still, looking back at the past can supposedly give the solution for troubles of the present or worries of the future. Audio: "ch8_Malkuth_ep4_roland12" Malkuth (Patron Librarian - History) I think that’s correct. Although I’m not sure I can find the solution for the problems we’re facing right now… Audio: "ch8_Malkuth_ep4_malkuth35-01" Malkuth (Patron Librarian - History) I think I’m getting close to finding the answer for what Angela said to me before. Audio: "ch8_Malkuth_ep4_malkuth36-01" Roland (Servant) About who you were and how you wanted to live? Audio: "ch8_Malkuth_ep4_roland13" Malkuth (Patron Librarian - History) Mhm. I didn’t really have what I could call a dream at that time… Audio: "ch8_Malkuth_ep4_malkuth37" Malkuth (Patron Librarian - History) But things are different now. If I were to dream of what I’d do after this… Audio: "ch8_Malkuth_ep4_malkuth38" Malkuth (Patron Librarian - History) I think I would’ve wanted to be an architect, maybe! Audio: "ch8_Malkuth_ep4_malkuth39" Malkuth (Patron Librarian - History) Y’know, the person who designs buildings and oversees the process of construction until it’s finished. Audio: "ch8_Malkuth_ep4_malkuth40" Roland (Servant) Huh, I guess great empires weren’t built in a day. Audio: "ch8_Malkuth_ep4_roland14" Malkuth (Patron Librarian - History) Of course it wasn’t. You have to start with designing the most beautiful exterior that can be created within the functional limitations. Audio: "ch8_Malkuth_ep4_malkuth41-01" Roland (Servant) That sounds complicated… Audio: "ch8_Malkuth_ep4_roland15" Malkuth (Patron Librarian - History) Did you know, Roland? Audio: "ch8_Malkuth_ep4_malkuth42-01" Malkuth (Patron Librarian - History) There’s this phrase, “We shape our buildings; thereafter they shape us.” Audio: "ch8_Malkuth_ep4_malkuth43-01" Malkuth (Patron Librarian - History) It may be too late to change the people who’ve lived so far, but what influence will the structures of the City have on future residents as they grow up… Audio: "ch8_Malkuth_ep4_malkuth44-01" Malkuth (Patron Librarian - History) If I were to make a building with colors that’ll be remembered by everyone… Audio: "ch8_Malkuth_ep4_malkuth45-01" Malkuth (Patron Librarian - History) …Those are the thoughts I had! Audio: "ch8_Malkuth_ep4_malkuth46-01" Roland (Servant) I’m sure you’ll do a great job if you get the chance, Malkuth. Sounds like the job would fit you well, too. Audio: "ch8_Malkuth_ep4_roland16" Malkuth (Patron Librarian - History) Haha, thanks. Audio: "ch8_Malkuth_ep4_malkuth47" Malkuth (Patron Librarian - History) Maybe you should reflect on your past like I did, Roland! It’ll be a helpful exercise. Audio: "ch8_Malkuth_ep4_malkuth48-01" Roland (Servant) …My eyes are always fixed on the past. Audio: "ch8_Malkuth_ep4_roland17" Roland (Servant) Anyway, hope you can realize the dream of becoming an architect! Audio: "ch8_Malkuth_ep4_roland18"