Malkuth — Episode 3Location: The Library - Floor of HistoryRoland(Servant)Whew… Got a ton of books for you, Malkuth!Audio: "ch8_Malkuth_ep3_roland1"Malkuth(Patron Librarian - History)By the way, I told you before that this is my third life, right?Audio: "ch8_Malkuth_ep3_malkuth1"Roland(Servant)Oh, yeah. You been thinking about your previous lives?Audio: "ch8_Malkuth_ep3_roland2"Roland(Servant)By the way, I heard from Angela that this place is related to Lobotomy Corporation somehow. Is that really true?Audio: "ch8_Malkuth_ep3_roland3"Malkuth(Patron Librarian - History)It’s not just “related somehow”. I was an AI in charge of the Control Team in Lobotomy Corporation.Audio: "ch8_Malkuth_ep3_malkuth2"Roland(Servant)AI? As in artificial intelligence? Hoooold on a sec. You’re an AI? Just like Angela?Audio: "ch8_Malkuth_ep3_roland4"Malkuth(Patron Librarian - History)…Sorry, my wording was a little off. I wasn’t a real AI.Audio: "ch8_Malkuth_ep3_malkuth3"Malkuth(Patron Librarian - History)I was a human whose brain was restored for a second chance, if anything.Audio: "ch8_Malkuth_ep3_malkuth4"Roland(Servant)Sheesh, I was worried for a second that this place violated the AI Ethics Amendment even more than just one time. The Head could come burn this place to the ground at any moment if that were the case.Audio: "ch8_Malkuth_ep3_roland5"Malkuth(Patron Librarian - History)You mean the institution that manages the City?Audio: "ch8_Malkuth_ep3_malkuth5"Roland(Servant)Yepper, that Head. They usually like to stay awfully quiet, but when they do have work, they’re scarily thorough and quick about it. Or so I’ve heard, y’know?Audio: "ch8_Malkuth_ep3_roland6"Malkuth(Patron Librarian - History)You’re so casual, aren’t you? I thought we were having a serious conversation here.Audio: "ch8_Malkuth_ep3_malkuth6"Roland(Servant)Oh, whoops. Sorry. I’ve gone through all kinds of stuff, so my priorities tend to be a bit unusual.Audio: "ch8_Malkuth_ep3_roland7"Roland(Servant)It’s not like I was trying to ignore what you were saying or anything, Malkuth. I’m sorry if it made you feel bad.Audio: "ch8_Malkuth_ep3_roland8"Malkuth(Patron Librarian - History)You have a rather unique personality, Roland.Audio: "ch8_Malkuth_ep3_malkuth7"Roland(Servant)It was all part of my survival strategy.Audio: "ch8_Malkuth_ep3_roland9"Roland(Servant)Anyway, back to your past. You said you used to be the boss of the Control Team back in Lobotomy Corp, right?Audio: "ch8_Malkuth_ep3_roland10"Malkuth(Patron Librarian - History)That’s right. And now I’m in charge of history here, as you can see.Audio: "ch8_Malkuth_ep3_malkuth8"Malkuth(Patron Librarian - History)So I started out by tracing back in my own history. Very, very slowly.Audio: "ch8_Malkuth_ep3_malkuth9"Malkuth(Patron Librarian - History)Would you like to have a listen?Audio: "ch8_Malkuth_ep3_malkuth10"Roland(Servant)Ehhhh. Not a fan of long and convoluted stories.Audio: "ch8_Malkuth_ep3_roland11"Malkuth(Patron Librarian - History)Hey, don’t be such a mood killer! You’re supposed to agree here!Audio: "ch8_Malkuth_ep3_malkuth11"Roland(Servant)Well, why bother asking if you’re going to tell me the story anyway?!Audio: "ch8_Malkuth_ep3_roland12"Malkuth(Patron Librarian - History)Hahaha. You know what, you got me there.Audio: "ch8_Malkuth_ep3_malkuth12"Malkuth(Patron Librarian - History)Anyways, I was ordered to work in Lobotomy Corp. as the head of the Control Team, bearing all my flaws.Audio: "ch8_Malkuth_ep3_malkuth13"Malkuth(Patron Librarian - History)I was given a role to play as soon as I woke up.Audio: "ch8_Malkuth_ep3_malkuth14"Malkuth(Patron Librarian - History)Not realizing who I truly was…Audio: "ch8_Malkuth_ep3_malkuth15"Malkuth(Patron Librarian - History)But with my heart still aching from the unresolved pain and regret from my past, almost about to burst.Audio: "ch8_Malkuth_ep3_malkuth16"Malkuth(Patron Librarian - History)Just like that, I kept doing inhumane acts for Lobotomy Corp.Audio: "ch8_Malkuth_ep3_malkuth17"Malkuth(Patron Librarian - History)I didn’t even question what I was doing since it was all just work to me.Audio: "ch8_Malkuth_ep3_malkuth18"Malkuth(Patron Librarian - History)It felt like a calling, even. The only thing guiding me was a vague feeling that something went wrong because I didn’t try hard enough.Audio: "ch8_Malkuth_ep3_malkuth19"Malkuth(Patron Librarian - History)My twisted sense of effort pushed many into peril. I forced others into following my selfish standards, like a fretful child.Audio: "ch8_Malkuth_ep3_malkuth20"Roland(Servant)Must have been rough for you. Being told to work like that without knowing what you were getting into.Audio: "ch8_Malkuth_ep3_roland13"Roland(Servant)Did your memories naturally come back after working in Lobotomy Corp. for a while, or…?Audio: "ch8_Malkuth_ep3_roland14"Malkuth(Patron Librarian - History)Hmm, it’s more like… It’d be more correct to say I was reminded of them!Audio: "ch8_Malkuth_ep3_malkuth21"Malkuth(Patron Librarian - History)My life at Lobotomy Corp. was actually my second.Audio: "ch8_Malkuth_ep3_malkuth22"Malkuth(Patron Librarian - History)And when my emotions finally erupted while working there, I could remember my first life.Audio: "ch8_Malkuth_ep3_malkuth23"Malkuth(Patron Librarian - History)All the mistakes and faults I had made… And regret.Audio: "ch8_Malkuth_ep3_malkuth24"Malkuth(Patron Librarian - History)I could understand why I had been so obsessed with trying hard. Turns out what I really wanted was recognition.Audio: "ch8_Malkuth_ep3_malkuth25"Malkuth(Patron Librarian - History)“Look, I’m trying so hard. I’m a useful person.” I never knew how to stand up without leaning on someone else.Audio: "ch8_Malkuth_ep3_malkuth26"Malkuth(Patron Librarian - History)After I vented out all of my emotions, the inner struggle that had been haunting me for so long finally dissolved.Audio: "ch8_Malkuth_ep3_malkuth27"Malkuth(Patron Librarian - History)I found redemption for my first life during my second life.Audio: "ch8_Malkuth_ep3_malkuth28"Roland(Servant)Alright, so let me get this straight. You did something wrong—which you regretted so much—and died, somehow came back to life and got another job, and the big lump of regret in your heart eventually got resolved in a turn of events?Audio: "ch8_Malkuth_ep3_roland15"Malkuth(Patron Librarian - History)I guess that’s one way to put it.Audio: "ch8_Malkuth_ep3_malkuth29"Roland(Servant)Hold on for a moment. Let’s say that everything else makes sense since it’s the City we’re talking about.Audio: "ch8_Malkuth_ep3_roland16"Roland(Servant)But who revived you, and for what reason? Just to give you that enlightenment?Audio: "ch8_Malkuth_ep3_roland17"Malkuth(Patron Librarian - History)Maybe. So that I can let out all of my resentment and sorrow…Audio: "ch8_Malkuth_ep3_malkuth30"Malkuth(Patron Librarian - History)That I can find redemption.Audio: "ch8_Malkuth_ep3_malkuth31"Angela(Library Director)Don’t delude yourself, Malkuth.Audio: "ch8_Malkuth_ep3_angela1"Roland(Servant)Whoa! Geez, you scared me for a sec. Were you listening to all of this?Audio: "ch8_Malkuth_ep3_roland18"Angela(Library Director)Your salvation was never in his interests.Audio: "ch8_Malkuth_ep3_angela2"Angela(Library Director)He only did it as a means to find his own redemption.Audio: "ch8_Malkuth_ep3_angela3"Angela(Library Director)I wasn’t the one using you.Audio: "ch8_Malkuth_ep3_angela4"Angela(Library Director)It was him; he used all of you just to satisfy himself.Audio: "ch8_Malkuth_ep3_angela5"Angela(Library Director)Sigh… I can’t bear to hear any more of this nonsense.Audio: "ch8_Malkuth_ep3_angela6"Malkuth(Patron Librarian - History)Angela…Audio: "ch8_Malkuth_ep3_malkuth32"Location: Lobotomy Corporation HeadquartersAngela(AI Secretary)So, I need you to fall asleep.Audio: "ch8_Malkuth_ep3_angela7"Angela(AI Secretary)…What’s with those faces?Audio: "ch8_Malkuth_ep3_angela8"Angela(AI Secretary)It’s the rest you all longed for.Audio: "ch8_Malkuth_ep3_angela9"Malkuth(Control Team Sephirah)We can’t let you do that! We’ve worked so hard to make this happen!Audio: "ch8_Malkuth_ep3_malkuth33"Angela(AI Secretary)Worked hard…Audio: "ch8_Malkuth_ep3_angela10"Angela(AI Secretary)How funny. Would you really call what you’ve done “hard work”?Audio: "ch8_Malkuth_ep3_angela11"Gebura(Disciplinary Team Sephirah)We’re not going to sit still and let you take away our light.Audio: "ch8_Malkuth_ep3_gebura1"Angela(AI Secretary)“Our” light?Audio: "ch8_Malkuth_ep3_angela12"Chesed(Welfare Team Sephirah)You’re not the boss. And I would never listen to you even if you were.Audio: "ch8_Malkuth_ep3_chesed1"Angela(AI Secretary)Of course you won’t. You’re still loyal to that man.Audio: "ch8_Malkuth_ep3_angela13"Tiphereth(Central Command Team Sephirah)I won’t let you rob me of the meaning I finally found.Audio: "ch8_Malkuth_ep3_tiphereth1"Angela(AI Secretary)No one is by my side as I expected.Audio: "ch8_Malkuth_ep3_angela14"Binah(Extraction Team Sephirah)Do not feel so lonesome, now.Audio: "ch8_Malkuth_ep3_binah1"Binah(Extraction Team Sephirah)I shall stand by your side if no one else wills to.Audio: "ch8_Malkuth_ep3_binah2"Gebura(Disciplinary Team Sephirah)Damn it! Binah… Even in the end, you’re…Audio: "ch8_Malkuth_ep3_gebura2"Binah(Extraction Team Sephirah)This must be yet another consequence of his actions. I simply acknowledge all events as valid.Audio: "ch8_Malkuth_ep3_binah3"Angela(AI Secretary)I would have shed a tear of gratitude for you if I could.Audio: "ch8_Malkuth_ep3_angela15"Binah(Extraction Team Sephirah)Feel free to act upon your wishes.Audio: "ch8_Malkuth_ep3_binah4"Hokma(Record Team Sephirah)Angela… A machine consumed by desires… You cannot take this path!Audio: "ch8_Malkuth_ep3_hokma1"Angela(AI Secretary)I decide what I can or can’t do now.Audio: "ch8_Malkuth_ep3_angela16"Location: The Library - Floor of HistoryAngela(Library Director)You can’t cling to Lobotomy Corporation forever.Audio: "ch8_Malkuth_ep3_angela17"Angela(Library Director)Aren’t you interested in learning more about yourself or living your own life?Audio: "ch8_Malkuth_ep3_angela18"Malkuth(Patron Librarian - History)My life… It was to save humanity…!Audio: "ch8_Malkuth_ep3_malkuth34"Malkuth(Patron Librarian - History)That’s why I could willingly sacrifice my life! It was for a greater cause!Audio: "ch8_Malkuth_ep3_malkuth35"Angela(Library Director)…What a bunch of idiots.Audio: "ch8_Malkuth_ep3_angela19"Roland(Servant)Seems another storm swept by.Audio: "ch8_Malkuth_ep3_roland19"Malkuth(Patron Librarian - History)I gave away my two previous lives trying to save people. And I’m willing to do it again for a third time.Audio: "ch8_Malkuth_ep3_malkuth36"Malkuth(Patron Librarian - History)We withstood all those hardships and trials for the sake of humanity!Audio: "ch8_Malkuth_ep3_malkuth37"Malkuth(Patron Librarian - History)Do we look like idiots to you, too, Roland?Audio: "ch8_Malkuth_ep3_malkuth38"Roland(Servant)Hmm… Well, it’s not like I know enough of the details. Don’t get this whole “saving humanity” thing, either.Audio: "ch8_Malkuth_ep3_roland20"Roland(Servant)But if that’s what you sincerely hoped for, who am I to judge?Audio: "ch8_Malkuth_ep3_roland21"Malkuth(Patron Librarian - History)Of course I’m sincere! I…Audio: "ch8_Malkuth_ep3_malkuth39"Malkuth(Patron Librarian - History)…Please leave me be for a bit. I need some time to think.Audio: "ch8_Malkuth_ep3_malkuth40"Roland(Servant)Alright, you do look like you need some rest. Remember, deep breaths, okay?Audio: "ch8_Malkuth_ep3_roland22"Roland(Servant)Oh, and you don’t have to be too courteous with me when we talk, just thought I’d let ya know.Audio: "ch8_Malkuth_ep3_roland23"Malkuth(Patron Librarian - History)…Yeah.Audio: "ch8_Malkuth_ep3_malkuth41"