Kether — Episode 1Location: Inside the LibraryRoland(Servant)Heyo~ Angela! I called ‘em all.Audio: "ch8_kether_ep1_roland1"Angela(Library Director)Malkuth, Yesod, Netzach, and Hod.Audio: "ch8_kether_ep1_angela1"Angela(Library Director)It’s been a while since I saw you all gathered up in one place.Audio: "ch8_kether_ep1_angela2"Malkuth(Patron Librarian - History)Angela…Audio: "ch8_kether_ep1_malkuth1"Yesod(Patron Librarian - Tech. Sciences)What are you trying to accomplish with this?Audio: "ch8_kether_ep1_yesod1"Angela(Library Director)Nothing special. I simply wanted to have a meetup with all of you.Audio: "ch8_kether_ep1_angela3"Roland(Servant)Alright, let’s loosen up a bit, everybody.Audio: "ch8_kether_ep1_roland2"Hod(Patron Librarian - Literature)We’ve got nothing to talk about with the likes of you.Audio: "ch8_kether_ep1_hod1"Netzach(Patron Librarian - Art)…Wait, I do.Audio: "ch8_kether_ep1_netzach1"Netzach(Patron Librarian - Art)I have a problem with the process of retrieving the Light.Audio: "ch8_kether_ep1_netzach2"Angela(Library Director)You don’t want to kill the guests with your own hands, do you?Audio: "ch8_kether_ep1_angela4"Angela(Library Director)And you don’t want to suffer yourselves, either.Audio: "ch8_kether_ep1_angela5"Malkuth(Patron Librarian - History)He’s right! Even though the guests chose to come in here…Audio: "ch8_kether_ep1_malkuth2"Malkuth(Patron Librarian - History)We shouldn’t drive people to death as part of our work again. It’s not right!Audio: "ch8_kether_ep1_malkuth3"Angela(Library Director)You were alright with killing hundreds upon hundreds of employees, but now you’re upset about killing a few strangers?Audio: "ch8_kether_ep1_angela6"Angela(Library Director)Hypocrites…Audio: "ch8_kether_ep1_angela7"Angela(Library Director)Don’t lump me with you lot, will you?Audio: "ch8_kether_ep1_angela8"Angela(Library Director)I at least seek “agreement” from them.Audio: "ch8_kether_ep1_angela9"Angela(Library Director)Got anything left to say, Netzach?Audio: "ch8_kether_ep1_angela10"Netzach(Patron Librarian - Art)We thought that would be the last of it… Not any more of this…Audio: "ch8_kether_ep1_netzach3"Yesod(Patron Librarian - Tech. Sciences)…We don’t have a choice, Netzach.Audio: "ch8_kether_ep1_yesod2"Yesod(Patron Librarian - Tech. Sciences)Nothing we say will get through her anyway.Audio: "ch8_kether_ep1_yesod3"Hod(Patron Librarian - Literature)You’re still so cold and heartless, Angela.Audio: "ch8_kether_ep1_hod2"Angela(Library Director)Sigh… Don’t be so emotional now.Audio: "ch8_kether_ep1_angela11"Angela(Library Director)I know you all realize deep inside your hearts that this is the only way.Audio: "ch8_kether_ep1_angela12"Angela(Library Director)If you didn’t want to do this, you shouldn’t have tried to stop me in the first place.Audio: "ch8_kether_ep1_angela13"Angela(Library Director)Leave, all of you.Audio: "ch8_kether_ep1_angela14"