Story: 아르갈리아2

  1. Location: Inside the Library
아르갈리아2 Location: Inside the Library Roland Yo, Angela! Good to see you again after so long. Audio: "ch7_Blue_ep3_Roland_9" Roland Guess you had to return to a mechanical body, huh… Your face is all pale again. Audio: "ch7_Blue_ep3_Roland_10" Angela (Library Director) Roland, what have you done? Audio: "ch7_Blue_ep3_Angela_2" Roland You almost evaporated on the last day. So I pulled you out of the pillar of light. Audio: "ch7_Blue_ep3_Roland_11" Roland Just a quick sec, I’m still not done dealing with that persistent sicko over there. Audio: "ch7_Blue_ep3_Roland_12" Angela (Library Director) …You should not have done that. Audio: "ch7_Blue_ep3_Angela_3" Angela (Library Director) I won’t be able to revert everything completely this way… Audio: "ch7_Blue_ep3_Angela_4" Argalia (The Reverberation Ensemble) It was all for naught… Audio: "ch7_Blue_ep3_Argalia_10" Argalia (The Reverberation Ensemble) That was my one last chance… Audio: "ch7_Blue_ep3_Argalia_11"