Story: Liu Section 1 Part 2Story 1

  1. Location: Library Entrance
Liu Section 1 Part 2Story 1 Location: Library Entrance Xiao Audio: "ch6_Liu_Sec1_ep2_Xiao_53" Xiao You have all died. No one remains by my side. Audio: "ch6_Liu_Sec1_ep2_Xiao_54" Xiao In here, you fought with me till the end… and perished. Audio: "ch6_Liu_Sec1_ep2_Xiao_55" Xiao I feel lonely as a dragon soaring in the air, my heart heavy with regret. Audio: "ch6_Liu_Sec1_ep2_Xiao_56" Xiao Audio: "ch6_Liu_Sec1_ep2_Xiao_57" Xiao I only see darkness. I can’t see a step ahead. Audio: "ch6_Liu_Sec1_ep2_Xiao_58-01" Xiao Where must I go? Where does the courage to put one’s foot forward come from? Audio: "ch6_Liu_Sec1_ep2_Xiao_59" Xiao What did you believe in so firmly until your last moments? Audio: "ch6_Liu_Sec1_ep2_Xiao_60" Xiao Was it the hope that we will emerge victorious… a strong leader… or the goal of earning the books…? Audio: "ch6_Liu_Sec1_ep2_Xiao_61" Xiao I sadly won’t be able to hear your answers now. Audio: "ch6_Liu_Sec1_ep2_Xiao_62" Xiao However, as the breath of life momentarily rests inside us before it scatters to return to its source… I will meet you again one day; and I may ask you my question then. Audio: "ch6_Liu_Sec1_ep2_Xiao_63-01" Xiao Audio: "ch6_Liu_Sec1_ep2_Xiao_64" Xiao You again. You’re one persistent conversationalist, are you not. Audio: "ch6_Liu_Sec1_ep2_Xiao_65" Xiao …I won’t collapse or succumb to fear out of the despair I brought onto myself. Audio: "ch6_Liu_Sec1_ep2_Xiao_66" Xiao There’s nothing that a human… that I cannot overcome. Audio: "ch6_Liu_Sec1_ep2_Xiao_67" Xiao I believe that I will reach the ideal consequence if I remain steadfast and proceed with perseverance… I sincerely, ingenuously believe this. Audio: "ch6_Liu_Sec1_ep2_Xiao_68" Xiao …No. There’s no need to be disheartened in the face of such a thing. Without despair, hope won’t be needed either. Audio: "ch6_Liu_Sec1_ep2_Xiao_69" Xiao Fear is born for there is hope, but bravery is born because there is fear… Audio: "ch6_Liu_Sec1_ep2_Xiao_70" Xiao Without all these, there is no life. And what is life without a reason to live… Audio: "ch6_Liu_Sec1_ep2_Xiao_71-01" Xiao So why would I not bask in this sensation of vitality? Audio: "ch6_Liu_Sec1_ep2_Xiao_72" Xiao I will still fight for my own sake. Audio: "ch6_Liu_Sec1_ep2_Xiao_73" Xiao Not to disregard the colleagues who gave their lives for me. Audio: "ch6_Liu_Sec1_ep2_Xiao_74-01" Xiao …No. Rather, I would be disregarding their sacrifice if I gave up here because of what happened to them. Audio: "ch6_Liu_Sec1_ep2_Xiao_75" Xiao Audio: "ch6_Liu_Sec1_ep2_Xiao_76-01" Xiao I don’t see myself ever agreeing with your words. Audio: "ch6_Liu_Sec1_ep2_Xiao_77" Xiao A lone tree cannot form a forest on its own, you say… An interesting tale. Audio: "ch6_Liu_Sec1_ep2_Xiao_78-01"