Card: We’re Stronger When We’re Together!

Cost 0 Name We’re Stronger When We’re Together! Range
House_Home On Play, Target Ally Give 5 Protection to target this Scene
0 We’re Stronger When We’re Together! House_Home On Play, Target Ally Give 5 Protection to target this Scene
Rarity Objet d'art (Unique)
Chapter None
Availability Enemy-only
  • On Play: Page's effect immediately takes place when slotted on a Speed die.
  • Protection X: Take X less damage from attacks for the Scene.
Name (EN)We’re Stronger When We’re Together!
Name (KR)함께라서 든든해!
Name (JP)いっしょだから心強いよ!
Artwork House_Home
Keywords[Instant_Keyword, Protection_Keyword]
Script wizard_home_2
Max In Inventory150
Max In Deck1
LOR: /card/CardInfo_creature_final_chesed.xml, lines 760 ~ 769:

<Card ID="9907642">
<Name>보호 부여</Name>
<Spec Range="Instance" Cost="0"/>