Card: This Isn’t You!

Cost 0 Name This Isn’t You! Range
Ozma_forgotten On Hit Restore the target with Ozma's status to their true form
Blunt 1 - 1
0 This Isn’t You! Ozma_forgotten Blunt On Hit Restore the target with Ozma's status to their true form
Blunt 1 - 1
Rarity Objet d'art (Unique)
Chapter None
Availability Enemy-only
Name (EN)This Isn’t You!
Name (KR)원래 모습으로 돌아와라!
Name (JP)元の姿に戻れ!
Artwork Ozma_forgotten
Script None
Max In Inventory150
Max In Deck1
NTypeMinMaxScriptAction ScriptMotionEffect Res.
0 Blunt 1 1 wizard_scarecrow_return_ozma None H None
LOR: /card/CardInfo_creature_final_chesed.xml, lines 725 ~ 735:

<Card ID="9907625">
<Spec Range="Near" Cost="0"/>
<Behaviour Min="1" Dice="1" Type="Atk" Detail="Hit" Motion="H" EffectRes="" Script="wizard_scarecrow_return_ozma" ActionScript="" Desc="" />