Card: The Road of Gold

Cost 2 Name The Road of Gold Range
Nihil_Greed_EGO Mass-Individual
If all allies negate this page's attack, user loses 50 HP and proceeds to 'Hate' mode next Scene.
If any ally is hit, deal 10 damage to all librarians and restore 20 HP.
Blunt 10 - 12 On Hit Stagger target
2 The Road of Gold Nihil_Greed_EGO Blunt Mass-Individual
If all allies negate this page's attack, user loses 50 HP and proceeds to 'Hate' mode next Scene.
If any ally is hit, deal 10 damage to all librarians and restore 20 HP.
Blunt 10 - 12 On Hit Stagger target
Rarity Objet d'art (Unique)
Chapter None
Availability Enemy-only
  • Mass Attack: Targets every enemy. A successful hit destroys the target's Combat Page or action dice.
  • Individual: If the dice roll is larger than the target's current die, they take damage, and the die is destroyed.
Name (EN)The Road of Gold
Name (KR)황금의 길
Name (JP)黄金の道
Artwork Nihil_Greed_EGO
Keywords[AreaCard_Keyword, AreaDiceEach_Keyword]
Script None
Priority ScriptNone
Mass Attack AffectionTeam
Max In Inventory150
Max In Deck1
NTypeMinMaxScriptAction ScriptMotionEffect Res.
0 Blunt 10 12 kog_reason_atk7 kingofgreed_reason_areaatk H None
LOR: /card/CardInfo_creature_final_tiphereth.xml, lines 740 ~ 751:

<Card ID="9905535">
<Spec Range="FarAreaEach" Cost="2" Affection="Team"/>
<Behaviour Min="10" Dice="12" Type="Atk" Detail="Hit" Motion="H" EffectRes="" Script="kog_reason_atk7" ActionScript="kingofgreed_reason_areaatk" Desc="" />