Card: Nauseating Reality

Cost 0 Name Nauseating Reality Range
Blunt 3 - 6
Pierce 5 - 12 On Hit Inflict 5 Bleed and Fragile next Scene
0 Nauseating Reality BlackSwan_Feather Blunt Pierce
Blunt 3 - 6
Pierce 5 - 12 On Hit Inflict 5 Bleed and Fragile next Scene
Rarity Limited (Rare)
Chapter None
Availability Enemy-only
  • Bleed X: For the Scene, take X damage and subtract 1/3rd of the stack every time an Offensive die rolls. (Rounds up)
  • Fragile X: Take X additional damage from attacks for the Scene.
Name (EN)Nauseating Reality
Name (KR)메스꺼운 현실
Name (JP)吐き気がする現実
Artwork BlackSwan_Feather
Keywords[Bleeding_Keyword, Vulnerable_Keyword]
Script None
Priority ScriptNone
Max In Inventory150
Max In Deck3
NTypeMinMaxScriptAction ScriptMotionEffect Res.
0 Blunt 3 6 None None S2 BlackSwan_Atk
1 Pierce 5 12 hod_final_blackswan_2 None Z BlackSwan_Atk
LOR: /card/CardInfo_creature_final_hod.xml, lines 286 ~ 298:

<Card ID="9903515">
<Name>메스꺼운 현실</Name>
<Spec Range="Near" Cost="0"/>
<Behaviour Min="3" Dice="6" Type="Atk" Detail="Hit" Motion="S2" EffectRes="BlackSwan_Atk" Script="" ActionScript="" Desc=""/>
<Behaviour Min="5" Dice="12" Type="Atk" Detail="Penetrate" Motion="Z" EffectRes="BlackSwan_Atk" Script="hod_final_blackswan_2" ActionScript="" Desc=""/>