Card: Silence

Cost 0 Name Silence Range
Clock_Kill On Use All librarians lose 25% of their Max. HP next Scene; remove the time limit for the next Scene
Guard 8 - 8
0 Silence Clock_Kill Guard On Use All librarians lose 25% of their Max. HP next Scene; remove the time limit for the next Scene
Guard 8 - 8
Rarity Objet d'art (Unique)
Chapter None
Availability Obtainable
Name (EN)Silence
Name (KR)침묵
Name (JP)沈黙
Artwork Clock_Kill
Script hokma2_librarian
Max In Inventory150
Max In Deck1
NTypeMinMaxScriptAction ScriptMotionEffect Res.
0 Guard 8 8 None None G None
LOR: /card/CardInfo_creature_hokma.xml, lines 155 ~ 167:

<Card ID="990204">
<Spec Range="Near" Cost="0" />
<ScriptDesc />
<Behaviour Min="8" Dice="8" Type="Def" Detail="Guard" Motion="G" EffectRes="" Script="" Desc="" />