Card: Banquet of Blood

Cost 0 Name Banquet of Blood Range
Nosferatu_Wine Mass-Summation
On Use Lose 5 Blood next Scene
Slash 12 - 16 On Hit Inflict 'Fear of Water' on target and restore HP of all allies by (7 + num of targets hit)
0 Banquet of Blood Nosferatu_Wine Slash Mass-Summation
On Use Lose 5 Blood next Scene
Slash 12 - 16 On Hit Inflict 'Fear of Water' on target and restore HP of all allies by (7 + num of targets hit)
Rarity Hardcover (Uncommon)
Chapter None
Availability Enemy-only
  • Mass Attack: Targets every enemy. A successful hit destroys the target's Combat Page or action dice.
  • Summation: If the attack is > than the sum of dice rolls on target's Combat Page, they take damage, and their page is destroyed.
  • Stagger Resist Recovery
Name (EN)Banquet of Blood
Name (KR)피의 연회
Name (JP)血の宴
Artwork Nosferatu_Wine
Keywords[AreaCard_Keyword, AreaDiceAll_Keyword, Recover_Keyword]
Script nosferatu_area
Priority ScriptNone
Mass Attack AffectionTeam
Max In Inventory150
Max In Deck3
NTypeMinMaxScriptAction ScriptMotionEffect Res.
0 Slash 12 16 nosferatu_area geburafinal_nosperatu_area S1 None
LOR: /card/CardInfo_creature_gebura.xml, lines 124 ~ 135:

<Card ID="960415">
<Name>피의 연회</Name>
<Spec Range="FarArea" Cost="0" Affection="Team"/>
<Behaviour Min="12" Dice="16" Type="Atk" Detail="Slash" Motion="S1" EffectRes="" Script="nosferatu_area" ActionScript="geburafinal_nosperatu_area" Desc="" />