Card: Crimson Scar

Cost 1 Name Crimson Scar Range
Redhood_EGO On Use Synchronize with Little Red Riding Hooded Mercenary for the next 3 Scenes
Guard 4 - 8
1 Crimson Scar Redhood_EGO Guard On Use Synchronize with Little Red Riding Hooded Mercenary for the next 3 Scenes
Guard 4 - 8
Rarity Objet d'art (Unique)
Chapter Urban Nightmare
Availability Obtainable
  • Synchronize: Replace Combat Pages with unique ones. Deck and hand return to normal once status is disabled. Cannot be used with other Synchronize E.G.O or E.G.O Manifestation.
Name (EN)Crimson Scar
Name (KR)붉은 흉터
Name (JP)紅い傷跡
Artwork Redhood_EGO
Keywords[ego_Keyword, egoChange_Keyword]
Options[EGO, EgoChange]
Script redHoodEgo
EGO SephirahGebura
EGO Max Cooldown9
Max In Inventory150
Max In Deck1
NTypeMinMaxScriptAction ScriptMotionEffect Res.
0 Guard 4 8 None None G None
LOR: /card/CardInfo_ego.xml, lines 481 ~ 501:

<Card ID="910031">
<Name>용병 동화</Name>
<Spec Range="Near" Cost="1"/>
<Behaviour Min="4" Dice="8" Type="Def" Detail="Guard" Motion="G" EffectRes="" Script="" ActionScript="" Desc="" />