Card: Chorus at the Climax

Cost 6 Name Chorus at the Climax Range
Bremen_Strong Mass-Individual
Usable on and after the third Scene
This page is exhausted on use and returns to hand after 4 Scenes
On Use Inflict 2 Fragile to all enemies this Scene
Blunt 6 - 11 On Hit Inflict 1 Paralysis next Scene
Blunt 5 - 10 On Hit Inflict 1 Paralysis next Scene
6 Chorus at the Climax Bremen_Strong Blunt Blunt Mass-Individual
Usable on and after the third Scene
This page is exhausted on use and returns to hand after 4 Scenes
On Use Inflict 2 Fragile to all enemies this Scene
Blunt 6 - 11 On Hit Inflict 1 Paralysis next Scene
Blunt 5 - 10 On Hit Inflict 1 Paralysis next Scene
Rarity Objet d'art (Unique)
Chapter Impurity
Availability Collectable
  • Bremen’s Exclusive Page: Can only be set in the deck of Bremen’s Key page.
  • Mass Attack: Targets every enemy. A successful hit destroys the target's Combat Page or action dice.
  • Individual: If the dice roll is larger than the target's current die, they take damage, and the die is destroyed.
  • Paralysis X: For the Scene, up to X dice have their maximum roll value decreased by 3 when using pages.
Name (EN)Chorus at the Climax
Name (KR)절정의 합창
Name (JP)絶頂の合唱
Artwork Bremen_Strong
Keywords[onlypage_bremen_Keyword, AreaCard_Keyword, AreaDiceEach_Keyword, Paralysis_Keyword]
Script bremenArea
Mass Attack AffectionTeam
Skin ChangeTwistbremen
Skin Change TypeNormal
Skin Height0
Max In Inventory1
Max In Deck1
NTypeMinMaxScriptAction ScriptMotionEffect Res.
0 Blunt 6 11 bremen_chorus_atk BremenAreaAtk S1 None
1 Blunt 5 10 bremen_chorus_atk BremenAreaAtk S1 None
LOR: /card/CardInfo_ch7.xml, lines 1035 ~ 1054:

<Card ID="705019">
<Name>브레멘 특수기</Name>
<Spec Range="FarAreaEach" Cost="6" Affection="Team"/>
<Behaviour Min="6" Dice="11" Type="Atk" Detail="Hit" Motion="S1" EffectRes="" Script="bremen_chorus_atk" ActionScript="BremenAreaAtk" Desc="" />
<Behaviour Min="5" Dice="10" Type="Atk" Detail="Hit" Motion="S1" EffectRes="" Script="bremen_chorus_atk" ActionScript="BremenAreaAtk" Desc="" />