Card: Gon of Four Trigrams

Cost 0 Name Gon of Four Trigrams Range
Hana22 Only one of the Four Trigrams can be used per Scene. Once used, it cannot be reused until all of the Four Trigrams have been used.
On Play Gain 1 Endurance, and take 30% less damage and Stagger damage from attacks this Scene
0 Gon of Four Trigrams Hana22 Only one of the Four Trigrams can be used per Scene. Once used, it cannot be reused until all of the Four Trigrams have been used.
On Play Gain 1 Endurance, and take 30% less damage and Stagger damage from attacks this Scene
Rarity Limited (Rare)
Chapter Impurity
Availability Obtainable
  • On Play: Page's effect immediately takes place when slotted on a Speed die.
  • Endurance X: Defensive dice gain +X Power for the Scene.
Name (EN)Gon of Four Trigrams
Name (KR)
Name (JP)
Artwork Hana22
Keywords[Instant_Keyword, Endurance_Keyword]
Script hanaPassive2
Max In Inventory150
Max In Deck3
LOR: /card/CardInfo_ch7.xml, lines 197 ~ 209:

<Card ID="701022">
<Spec Range="Instance" Cost="0" />