Card: Degraded Pillar

Cost 3 Name Degraded Pillar Range
BinahCard4 On Hit Inflict 3 Fairy to target
Slash 7 - 11 Target's current die cannot be recycled
Slash 6 - 9
Guard 5 - 9
3 Degraded Pillar BinahCard4 Slash Slash Guard On Hit Inflict 3 Fairy to target
Slash 7 - 11 Target's current die cannot be recycled
Slash 6 - 9
Guard 5 - 9
Rarity Hardcover (Uncommon)
Chapter Star of the City
Availability Obtainable
  • Fairy X: Take X damage every time a die rolls. At the end of the Scene, take X damage and halve the stack. (Rounds down)
Name (EN)Degraded Pillar
Name (KR)열화된 기둥
Name (JP)劣化した柱
Artwork BinahCard4
Script fairy3atkCard
Max In Inventory150
Max In Deck3
NTypeMinMaxScriptAction ScriptMotionEffect Res.
0 Slash 7 11 forbidReuseDice Binah_Pillar S3 Binah_FarPillar_Z
1 Slash 6 9 None None S2 Binah_FarBlade_Z
2 Guard 5 9 None None G None
LOR: /card/CardInfo_ch6_2.xml, lines 546 ~ 561:

<Card ID="607204">
<Name>열화된 기둥</Name>
<Spec Range="Far" Cost="3" />
<Behaviour Min="7" Dice="11" Type="Atk" Detail="Slash" Motion="S3" EffectRes="Binah_FarPillar_Z" Script="forbidReuseDice" ActionScript="Binah_Pillar" Desc="" />
<Behaviour Min="6" Dice="9" Type="Atk" Detail="Slash" Motion="S2" EffectRes="Binah_FarBlade_Z" Script="" ActionScript="" Desc="" />
<Behaviour Min="5" Dice="9" Type="Def" Detail="Guard" Motion="G" EffectRes="" Script="" ActionScript="" Desc="" />