Card: Onrush

Cost 3 Name Onrush Range
RedMist7 If target is defeated or Staggered, use this page again on a random enemy.
Slash 14 - 26
3 Onrush RedMist7 Slash If target is defeated or Staggered, use this page again on a random enemy.
Slash 14 - 26
Rarity Limited (Rare)
Chapter Star of the City
Availability Collectable
  • The Red Mist’s Exclusive Page: Can only be set in the deck of The Red Mist’s Key page.
Can be dropped from
250022 Book of the Red Mist
Name (EN)Onrush
Name (KR)돌진
Name (JP)突進
Artwork RedMist7
Script kali
Max In Inventory150
Max In Deck3
NTypeMinMaxScriptAction ScriptMotionEffect Res.
0 Slash 14 26 None dawnAction J Kali_J
LOR: /card/CardInfo_ch6_2.xml, lines 419 ~ 433:

<Card ID="607007">
<Spec Range="Near" Cost="3" />
<Behaviour Min="14" Dice="26" Type="Atk" Detail="Slash" Motion="J" EffectRes="Kali_J" Script="" ActionScript="dawnAction" Desc="" />