Card: Reload

Cost 1 Name Reload Range
Thumb1 On Use Add a random Ammunition to hand; draw 1 page
Pierce 3 - 7
Blunt 2 - 7
1 Reload Thumb1 Pierce Blunt On Use Add a random Ammunition to hand; draw 1 page
Pierce 3 - 7
Blunt 2 - 7
Rarity Paperback (Common)
Chapter Star of the City
Availability Collectable
  • The Thumb’s Exclusive Page: Can only be set in the decks of Thumb Members. (Soldato, Kalo, Katriel, and Denis’s Key pages)
  • Ammunition: When used or discarded, gives bonus effects to Ranged Combat Pages.
  • Page Draw
Can be dropped from
250006 Book of the Thumb
250007 Book of Kalo
250008 Book of Denis
250009 Book of Katriel
Name (EN)Reload
Name (KR)장전
Name (JP)装填
Artwork Thumb1
Keywords[onlypage_thumb, bullet_keyword, DrawCard_Keyword]
Script AddBullet1AndDraw
Max In Inventory150
Max In Deck3
NTypeMinMaxScriptAction ScriptMotionEffect Res.
0 Pierce 3 7 None None Z Thumb_Z
1 Blunt 2 7 None None H Thumb_H
LOR: /card/CardInfo_ch6.xml, lines 219 ~ 235:

<Card ID="602001">
<Spec Range="Near" Cost="1" />
<ScriptDesc>[사용시] 손에 무작위 탄환을 1장 추가</ScriptDesc>
<Behaviour Min="3" Dice="7" Type="Atk" Detail="Penetrate" Motion="Z" EffectRes="Thumb_Z" Script="" ActionScript="" Desc="" />
<Behaviour Min="2" Dice="7" Type="Atk" Detail="Hit" Motion="H" EffectRes="Thumb_H" Script="" ActionScript="" Desc="" />