Card: Scattering Slash

Cost 2 Name Scattering Slash Range
Kurokumo5 Combat Start Gain 3 Protection
Evade 1 - 9
Slash 2 - 7
Guard 2 - 5
2 Scattering Slash Kurokumo5 Evade Slash Guard Combat Start Gain 3 Protection
Evade 1 - 9
Slash 2 - 7
Guard 2 - 5
Rarity Limited (Rare)
Chapter Urban Plague
Availability Collectable
  • Combat Start: Activates when the combat phase of a Scene begins and before characters approach targets.
  • Protection X: Take X less damage from attacks for the Scene.
Can be dropped from
230014 Book of Kurokumo Clan
230015 Book of Sayo
230016 Book of Yang
230017 Book of Gin
Name (EN)Scattering Slash
Name (KR)흩어지는 검격
Name (JP)飛び散る剣撃
Artwork Kurokumo5
Keywords[bstart_Keyword, Protection_Keyword]
Script protection3start
Max In Inventory150
Max In Deck3
NTypeMinMaxScriptAction ScriptMotionEffect Res.
0 Evade 1 9 None None E None
1 Slash 2 7 None None Z Kurokumo_Z
2 Guard 2 5 None None G Kurokumo_G
LOR: /card/CardInfo_ch4.xml, lines 768 ~ 782:

<Card ID="406005">
<Name>흩어지는 검격</Name>
<Spec Range="Near" Cost="2" />
<ScriptDesc>[전투 시작] 보호 3을 얻음</ScriptDesc>
<Behaviour Min="1" Dice="9" Type="Def" Detail="Evasion" Motion="E" EffectRes="" Script="" Desc="" />
<Behaviour Min="2" Dice="7" Type="Atk" Detail="Slash" Motion="Z" EffectRes="Kurokumo_Z" Script="" Desc="" />
<Behaviour Min="2" Dice="5" Type="Def" Detail="Guard" Motion="G" EffectRes="Kurokumo_G" Script="" Desc="" />