Card: Flash of Sunup

Cost 1 Name Flash of Sunup Range
Dawn2 On Use Draw 1 page
Slash 1 - 5
Evade 1 - 4 On Clash Win Reduce Power of opponent's next die by 2
Slash 1 - 6 On Hit Inflict 1 Burn
1 Flash of Sunup Dawn2 Slash Evade Slash On Use Draw 1 page
Slash 1 - 5
Evade 1 - 4 On Clash Win Reduce Power of opponent's next die by 2
Slash 1 - 6 On Hit Inflict 1 Burn
Rarity Limited (Rare)
Chapter Urban Plague
Availability Collectable
  • Page Draw
  • Burn X: At the end of the Scene, take X damage and subtract 1/3rd of the stack. (Rounds down)
Can be dropped from
230006 Book of Dawn Office
230007 Book of Salvador
230008 Book of Yuna
Name (EN)Flash of Sunup
Name (KR)여명의 섬광
Name (JP)黎明の閃光
Artwork Dawn2
Keywords[DrawCard_Keyword, Burn_Keyword]
Script drawCard
Max In Inventory150
Max In Deck3
NTypeMinMaxScriptAction ScriptMotionEffect Res.
0 Slash 1 5 None None H Dawn_H
1 Evade 1 4 powerDownNext2pwTarget None E ch3_E
2 Slash 1 6 burn1atk dawnAction H Dawn_H
LOR: /card/CardInfo_ch4.xml, lines 270 ~ 284:

<Card ID="403002">
<Name>여명의 섬광</Name>
<Spec Range="Near" Cost="1" />
<ScriptDesc>[사용시] 책장을 1장 뽑음</ScriptDesc>
<Behaviour Min="1" Dice="5" Type="Atk" Detail="Slash" Motion="H" EffectRes="Dawn_H" Script="" Desc="" />
<Behaviour Min="1" Dice="4" Type="Def" Detail="Evasion" Motion="E" EffectRes="ch3_E" Script="powerDownNext2pwTarget" Desc="[합 승리] 대상의 다음 주사위 위력 -2" />
<Behaviour Min="1" Dice="6" Type="Atk" Detail="Slash" Motion="H" EffectRes="Dawn_H" Script="burn1atk" ActionScript="dawnAction" Desc="[적중] 화상 1 부여" />