Card: Going for Bullseye

Cost 3 Name Going for Bullseye Range
FullStop1 Single-use
Pierce 6 - 20 On Hit Inflict 2 Fragile next Scene
3 Going for Bullseye FullStop1 Pierce Single-use
Pierce 6 - 20 On Hit Inflict 2 Fragile next Scene
Rarity Limited (Rare)
Chapter Urban Plague
Availability Collectable
  • Single-use: Page is exhausted on use. Exhausted pages are removed from play until the end of the Act.
  • Fragile X: Take X additional damage from attacks for the Scene.
Can be dropped from
230002 Book of Full-Stop Office
230005 Book of Tamaki
Name (EN)Going for Bullseye
Name (KR)한 점만 노리겠어
Name (JP)一点狙い
Artwork FullStop1
Keywords[ExhaustOnUse_Keyword, Vulnerable_Keyword]
Script None
Priority ScriptNone
Max In Inventory150
Max In Deck3
NTypeMinMaxScriptAction ScriptMotionEffect Res.
0 Pierce 6 20 vulnerable2atk None F None
LOR: /card/CardInfo_ch4.xml, lines 104 ~ 117:

<Card ID="402001">
<Name>한 점만 노리겠어</Name>
<Spec Range="Far" Cost="3" />
<ScriptDesc>이 책장은 사용 후에 소멸됨</ScriptDesc>
<Behaviour Min="6" Dice="20" Type="Atk" Detail="Penetrate" Motion="F" EffectRes="" Script="vulnerable2atk" Desc="[적중] 취약 2 부여" />