Book: Book of Nemo

Icon Name Book of Nemo Chapter Star of the City
Player 250010 Nemo’s Page
4 Energy Beam Cane1 Pierce Dice abilities on this page only activate if the opponent has Offensive dice
Pierce 13 - 21 On Clash Win Spend 2 Charge to destroy opponent's next Offensive die
2 Ready Up! Cane5 Guard Pierce Evade On Use Spend 2 Charge to give 1 Protection to all allies this Scene and next Scene
Guard 4 - 8
Pierce 5 - 8
Evade 3 - 8
1 Energy Conversion Cane7 Blunt Slash On Use Spend 4 Charge to restore 3 Light
Blunt 3 - 7 On Hit Draw 1 page
Slash 2 - 5
1 Energy Shield Cane6 Guard Guard Pierce On Use Gain 3 Charge
Guard 3 - 4 On Clash Lose Gain 1 Charge
Guard 3 - 7
Pierce 3 - 5
Name (EN)Book of Nemo
Name (KR)네모의 책
Name (JP)ネモの本
Text Iddropbook_nemo
Drop amount8
Drop item stateEquip
Keypage drop probability-1.00000
LOR: /DropBook_ch6.xml, lines 89 ~ 94:

<BookUse ID="250012">
<DropItem Type="Equip">250010</DropItem>

LOR: /CardDropTable_ch6.xml, lines 119 ~ 126:

<DropTable ID="250012">
Dropped by