Book: Book of Lowell

Icon Name Book of Lowell Chapter Star of the City
Player 250002 Lowell’s Page
Player 250001 A Liu Section 2 Fixer’s Page
3 Emotional Turbulence Liu2_1 Guard Pierce Slash Guard Counter On Use All dice on this page gain +1 Power for every 2 Emotion Levels
Guard 4 - 8
Pierce 5 - 9 On Hit Inflict 2 Burn
Slash 4 - 9 On Hit Inflict 1 Burn
Guard Counter 3 - 7
4 Forming Storm Liu2_8 Slash Single-use
On Use Remove all dice from this page. Add a Mass Attack page to hand that can only be used next Scene.
Slash 8 - 20 On Hit Inflict 3 Burn
2 Inner Ardor Liu2_2 Guard Slash On Use Gain 1 Positive Emotion Point
Guard 4 - 9
Slash 6 - 10
2 Flow of the Sword Liu2_3 Slash Slash Costs 1 less at Emotion Level 3 or higher
Slash 4 - 8 On Hit Inflict 2 Burn
Slash 3 - 8 On Hit Inflict 1 Burn
1 Rush Down Liu2_6 Blunt Pierce Combat Start Offensive dice deal +1 damage for this Scene
Blunt 3 - 7 Reduce Power of target's current Defensive die by 2
Pierce 3 - 7 On Hit Inflict 1 Burn
2 Fleet Edge Liu2_5 Evade Pierce Pierce
Evade 2 - 6
Pierce 4 - 8 On Hit Gain 1 Haste next Scene
Pierce 3 - 8 On Hit Gain 1 Haste next Scene
Name (EN)Book of Lowell
Name (KR)로웰의 책
Name (JP)ロウェルの本
Text Iddropbook_lowel
Drop amount8
Drop item stateEquip
Keypage drop probability-1.00000
LOR: /DropBook_ch6.xml, lines 17 ~ 24:

<BookUse ID="250003">
<DropItem Type="Equip">250001</DropItem>
<DropItem Type="Equip">250002</DropItem>

LOR: /CardDropTable_ch6.xml, lines 25 ~ 33:

<DropTable ID="250003">
Dropped by