Book: Book of Wang

Icon Name Book of Wang Chapter Urban Nightmare
Player 240023 Wang’s Page
Player 240026 A Smiling Face’s Page
2 Flesh Fillet Smile2 Slash Slash On Use Use 2 Smoke to boost Power of all dice on this page by +2
Slash 4 - 8 On Hit Inflict 1 Bleed next Scene
Slash 3 - 7 On Hit Inflict 1 Bleed next Scene per 2 stacks of Smoke on target
3 Deep Drag Smile1 Blunt Evade On Use Draw 1 page
Blunt 6 - 19 On Hit Inflict 7 Smoke
Evade 1 - 9
1 Inhale Smoke Smile3 Guard Blunt On Use Gain 3 Smoke
Guard 2 - 8
Blunt 3 - 8 On Hit Gain 4 Smoke
2 Trace of Fumes Smile4 Blunt Blunt Guard
Blunt 4 - 8 On Hit Inflict 1 Smoke
Blunt 3 - 7 On Hit Inflict 2 Smoke
Guard 3 - 5
3 Loss of Senses Smile7 Guard Blunt Slash
Guard 5 - 8
Blunt 5 - 9 On Hit If target has 7 or more Smoke, inflict 2 Paralysis and 1 Feeble
Slash 4 - 9 On Hit If target has 3 or more Smoke, draw 2 pages
1 Hidden Blade Smile5 Evade Slash On Use Use 2 Smoke to boost Power of all dice on this page by +2
Evade 2 - 9
Slash 4 - 8 On Hit Inflict 2 Bleed next Scene
0 Smoking Pipe Smile6 Guard Evade On Use Gain 2 Smoke. Restore 1 Light
Guard 3 - 8
Evade 1 - 6
Name (EN)Book of Wang
Name (KR)왕의 책
Name (JP)ワンの本
Text Iddropbook_wang
Drop amount8
Drop item stateEquip
Keypage drop probability-1.00000
LOR: /DropBook_ch5.xml, lines 150 ~ 156:

<BookUse ID="240019">
<DropItem Type="Equip">240023</DropItem>
<DropItem Type="Equip">240026</DropItem>

LOR: /CardDropTable_ch5.xml, lines 146 ~ 154:

<DropTable ID="240019">
Dropped by