Book: Book of Rose

Icon Name Book of Rose Chapter Urban Nightmare
Player 240019 Rose’s Page
Player 240022 A WARP Cleanup Agent’s Page
2 Rip Space Warp1 Pierce Slash Exclusive Page, On Use Spend all Charge; has a (Charge x 9.9)% chance to succeed.
Success All dice on this page gain +8 Power;
Failure Deal 20 damage to self
Pierce 2 - 4 On Clash Win Draw 2 pages
Slash 3 - 6 If 10 Charge was spent at once, add +2 Power
3 Ripple Warp3 Evade Blunt On Use Spend 3 Charge to boost Power of all dice on this page by +3
Evade 2 - 5 On Clash Lose Add +2 Power to next die
Blunt 5 - 17 On Hit Inflict 2 Bind next Scene
3 Overcharge Warp4 Pierce Slash Pierce Guard Counter On Use Gain 10 Charge and become Immobilized next Scene
Pierce 5 - 13
Slash 4 - 12
Pierce 5 - 11
Guard Counter 2 - 6
1 Rewind Warp5 Evade Guard Pierce On Use Gain 4 Charge
Evade 2 - 9
Guard 2 - 5
Pierce 2 - 6 On Hit Recover 3 HP
1 Leap Warp6 Slash Blunt On Use Gain 1 Haste next Scene; spend 3 Charge to draw 2 pages
Slash 3 - 7
Blunt 3 - 5
0 Energy Cycle Warp7 Pierce Blunt On Use Gain 3 Charge
Pierce 2 - 7 On Hit Restore 1 Light
Blunt 2 - 4
Name (EN)Book of Rose
Name (KR)로즈의 책
Name (JP)ローズの本
Text Iddropbook_rose
Drop amount8
Drop item stateEquip
Keypage drop probability-1.00000
LOR: /DropBook_ch5.xml, lines 119 ~ 125:

<BookUse ID="240015">
<DropItem Type="Equip">240019</DropItem>
<DropItem Type="Equip">240022</DropItem>

LOR: /CardDropTable_ch5.xml, lines 112 ~ 120:

<DropTable ID="240015">
Dropped by