Abnormality Page: Music

Level Name Music Rate -1
Artwork SingingMachine_Music Description [All Characters]
All characters deal +4-8 damage with attacks this reception. They also suffer +4-8 Stagger damage upon taking a hit.
Whenever an ally defeats an enemy, they recover 15 HP and Stagger Resist.
Sephirah Yesod Abnormality Singing Machine Emotion State Negative
Flavor text But nothing could compare to the music it makes when it eats a human.
  • Nothing makes as fascinating music as a human can.
  • Don’t you want to hear a beautiful song? You already know how.
  • Don’t you worry. I’m sure that one wants to be a fine instrument, too.
  • People all carry musical talent in them.
  • Those who are fortitudinous, come to me. Join me.
Internal NameSingingMachine_Music
Name (EN)Music
Name (KR)음악
Name (JP)音楽
Emotion Rate-1
Script ::EmotionCardAbility_singingMachine
LOR: /card/emotioncard/EmotionCard_yesod.xml, lines 82 ~ 93:

<EmotionCard ID="7">