Abnormality Page: Clean

Level Name Clean Rate +2
Artwork LittleHelper_Clean Description [Single Ally]
Offensive dice gain Power against enemies with slower Speed (+1 Power per point of difference, up to 3).
Sephirah Yesod Abnormality All-Around Helper Emotion State Positive
Flavor text It recognizes a bad mood as a sign that the surroundings are dirty, and promptly enters cleaning mode.
  • The helper-bot can help you with any household chores!
  • What kind of task do you want me to do? I can help with anything.
  • Contamination scan complete. Initiating cleaning protocol.
  • Beebeebeep~ Beep. Contamination spotted! Proceeding with trash disposal protocol.
  • I will help you with my wide selection of tools.
Internal NameLittleHelper_Clean
Name (EN)Clean
Name (KR)청소
Name (JP)掃除
Emotion Rate2
Script ::EmotionCardAbility_helper3
LOR: /card/emotioncard/EmotionCard_yesod.xml, lines 69 ~ 80:

<EmotionCard ID="6">