Abnormality Page: Repetitive Pattern-Recognition

Level Name Repetitive Pattern-Recognition Rate +1
Artwork LittleHelper_Pattern Description [Single Ally]
After every three clash wins, restore 1 Light and gain 1-2 Haste next Scene.
Sephirah Yesod Abnormality All-Around Helper Emotion State Positive
Flavor text The day I was sent to a new home for the first time, I gave them the gift they wanted so earnestly.
  • When I’m done cleaning, people would always praise me!
  • They’re giving me orders with a loud voice. That means I’m doing a good job.
  • Beepboop~ Piii! Pattern data accumulated.
  • People love to shout when they compliment me.
  • The helper-bot has excellent learning capabilities.
Internal NameLittleHelper_Pattern
Name (EN)Repetitive Pattern-Recognition
Name (KR)패턴 반복 인식 기능
Name (JP)パターン反復認識機能
Emotion Rate1
Script ::EmotionCardAbility_helper2
LOR: /card/emotioncard/EmotionCard_yesod.xml, lines 56 ~ 67:

<EmotionCard ID="5">