Abnormality Page: Recharge

Level Name Recharge Rate +0
Artwork LittleHelper_Rest Description [Single Ally]
If the librarian has maximum Light at the start of a Scene, gain 1-2 Haste, and deal +2-7 damage with attacks for that Scene.
Sephirah Yesod Abnormality All-Around Helper Emotion State Positive
Flavor text However, the limbs were equipped with sharp instruments instead of cleaning supplies.
  • Beepboop… Beep… Out of battery…
  • Please… recharge… to a nearby socket…
  • Please shut down… The helper-bot will switch off soon…
  • Switching to charge mode. You cannot give orders in this mode.
Internal NameLittleHelper_Rest
Name (EN)Recharge
Name (KR)충전
Name (JP)充電
Emotion Rate0
Script ::EmotionCardAbility_helper
LOR: /card/emotioncard/EmotionCard_yesod.xml, lines 43 ~ 54:

<EmotionCard ID="4">