Abnormality Page: Coffin

Level Name Coffin Rate +1
Artwork Butterfly_Casket Description [Single Ally]
On hit against an enemy whose HP is at 50% or lower, Seal one Speed die of the target (Twice per Scene, Excludes Mass Attacks).
Sephirah Yesod Abnormality The Funeral of the Dead Butterflies Emotion State Positive
Flavor text He’s carrying a coffin. A large coffin to pay tribute to the employees who have nowhere else to go. It is still too small to comfort those innocent sacrifices.
  • A single coffin to pay tribute to those who had nowhere to go, wandering with the memory of an empty faith…
  • Where does one go when they die?
  • The weight of the butterflies that died in vain would be too great to carry.
  • That large coffin, simply too small to comfort those innocent sacrifices.
  • The fragile wings will keep fluttering, waiting for the moment to fall asleep.
Internal NameButterfly_Casket
Name (EN)Coffin
Name (KR)
Name (JP)
Emotion Rate1
Script ::EmotionCardAbility_butterfly3
LOR: /card/emotioncard/EmotionCard_yesod.xml, lines 145 ~ 155:

<EmotionCard ID="12">