Abnormality Page: Eternal Rest

Level Name Eternal Rest Rate +1
Artwork Butterfly_White Description [Single Ally]
Deal +2-7 damage and +2-5 Stagger damage against the enemy with the lowest current HP.
Sephirah Yesod Abnormality The Funeral of the Dead Butterflies Emotion State Positive
Flavor text People believed that they would become beautiful beings with small wings when they died. It’s a silly story. Nonsensical too.
  • An eternal rest… May you rest in peace.
  • They believed that they would become beautiful beings with small wings when they died.
  • I’ll help liberate you from tormenting yourselves.
  • They must have returned home, having earned what they wanted and being full of hope.
  • Death may seem fearsome, it doesn’t compare to the terror of reality. It’ll feel liberating, rather.
Internal NameButterfly_White
Name (EN)Eternal Rest
Name (KR)안식
Name (JP)安息
Emotion Rate1
Script ::EmotionCardAbility_butterfly1
LOR: /card/emotioncard/EmotionCard_yesod.xml, lines 121 ~ 131:

<EmotionCard ID="10">