Abnormality Page: Road to Happiness

Level Name Road to Happiness Rate +1
Artwork Greed_Protect Description [Single Ally]
Gain 1 Endurance for each clash won in a Scene. (Up to 3 per Scene)
Sephirah Tiphereth Abnormality The King of Greed Emotion State Positive
Flavor text Happiness became obsession, obsession became greed, and the greed forever solidified to become a golden amber. The happiness in the beginning, still holding a smile, dwells inside.
  • At last, the once pure desire materialized into golden amber and solidified.
  • This greed shall forever shine brilliantly.
  • How can one resist the allure of this gorgeous being.
  • Wishing for everyone’s happiness must include my own, too…
Internal NameGreed_Protect
Name (EN)Road to Happiness
Name (KR)행복의 길
Name (JP)幸せの道
Emotion Rate1
Script ::EmotionCardAbility_kingofgreed2
LOR: /card/emotioncard/EmotionCard_tiphereth.xml, lines 88 ~ 98:

<EmotionCard ID="8">