Abnormality Page: Blessing

Level Name Blessing Rate -1
Artwork KnightOfDespair_Gaho Description [Single Ally]
If the character took damage from attacks on the previous Scene, change this character's resistances against the type that dealt the most damage to "Endured" for the Scene. (Applies separately for physical and Stagger damage)
Sephirah Tiphereth Abnormality The Knight of Despair Emotion State Negative
Flavor text The will to protect seems to remain unchanged after all this time; even in containment, it is still obsessed with the act of protection.
  • All that remains is the hollow pride of a weathered knight.
  • If I could have another chance to protect…
  • Worry not. I’ll keep you safe this time.
  • To sleep in peace…
Internal NameKnightOfDespair_Gaho
Name (EN)Blessing
Name (KR)가호
Name (JP)加護
Emotion Rate-1
Script ::EmotionCardAbility_knightofdespair1
LOR: /card/emotioncard/EmotionCard_tiphereth.xml, lines 40 ~ 50:

<EmotionCard ID="4">