Abnormality Page: Void

Level Name Void Rate -1
Artwork NihilClown_Nihil Description [Single Ally]
Add an 'All Returns to the Void' page to the hand: ‘Cost 3 - [Single-use;][Combat Start] Exhaust all pages from hand. Every Scene after this, gain Strength and Endurance equal to the number of pages exhausted this way.’
The page is also included in the deck at the start of subsequent Acts.
Sephirah Tiphereth Abnormality The Jester of Nihil Emotion State Negative
Flavor text The jester was deeper in thought, that poor jester. Without the brave puppy to lead the way, it walks with meaningless steps.
  • Where is the right path? Where do I go?
  • I don’t know what awaits me ahead. Could it be a cliff, or a ditch?
  • Where is that bright dog when I need it to lead me?
  • My mind is a void, my thoughts empty. I become more fearless as they become more vacant.
Internal NameNihilClown_Nihil
Name (EN)Void
Name (KR)공허
Name (JP)空虚
Emotion Rate-1
Script ::EmotionCardAbility_clownofnihil2
LOR: /card/emotioncard/EmotionCard_tiphereth.xml, lines 160 ~ 170:

<EmotionCard ID="14">