Abnormality Page: Love

Level Name Love Rate +1
Artwork QueenOfHatred_Laser Description [Single Ally]
After winning a clash using an Offensive die, a random ally recovers 3-5 HP.
After winning a clash using a Defensive die, a random ally recovers 2-4 Stagger Resist.
Sephirah Tiphereth Abnormality The Queen of Hatred Emotion State Positive
Flavor text In the name of Love and Justice~ Here comes Magical Girl!
  • Don’t worry. You guys will be safe as long as I’m here!
  • You can count on me any time! I’ll keep you safe.
  • A true magical girl never runs away in the face of any hardships!
  • Tell me if anything bad happens, okay? I know I can help you!
  • Please feel free to call me whenever there’s danger~!
Internal NameQueenOfHatred_Laser
Name (EN)Love
Name (KR)사랑
Name (JP)
Emotion Rate1
Script ::EmotionCardAbility_queenofhatred1
LOR: /card/emotioncard/EmotionCard_tiphereth.xml, lines 4 ~ 14:

<EmotionCard ID="1">