Abnormality Page: Alertness

Level Name Alertness Rate +2
Artwork SpiderBud_Dinner Description [Single Ally]
Enemies lose 1 Power in clashes against the selected librarian.
Upon winning a clash, inflict 1 Bind and Fragile next Scene at a 50% chance.
Sephirah Hod Abnormality Spider Bud Emotion State Positive
Flavor text The eyes shone in the dark, searching for prey to feed to its spiderlings.
  • To clearly see in the darkness…
  • It would be troubling to miss my prey.
  • I can never take my eyes off them. You never know what’ll happen to my offspring…
  • I shall be precise this time…
Internal NameSpiderBud_Dinner
Name (EN)Alertness
Name (KR)경계
Name (JP)警戒
Emotion Rate2
Script ::EmotionCardAbility_spiderBud3
LOR: /card/emotioncard/EmotionCard_hod.xml, lines 110 ~ 121:

<EmotionCard ID="9">