Abnormality Page: Rake

Level Name Rake Rate +3
Artwork Scarecrow_Rake Description [Single Ally]
After Staggering an enemy, copy two pages owned by that enemy and add them to the librarian's hand with 2 less Cost.
The copied pages are exhausted on use.
(Can only copy Melee pages while equipping a Melee-only Key page, and vice versa; no effect against characters with 'Shimmering')
Sephirah Chesed Abnormality Scarecrow Searching for Wisdom Emotion State Positive
Flavor text The rake tilled the human brain instead of farmland. How many of the wise people among us have lost their lives to this rake?
  • I’ll scrape your wisdom…
  • I want to be smart like the others…
  • The wisdom to move forward… I want it…
Internal NameScarecrow_Rake
Name (EN)Rake
Name (KR)갈퀴
Name (JP)熊手
Emotion Rate3
Script ::EmotionCardAbility_scarecrow3
LOR: /card/emotioncard/EmotionCard_chesed.xml, lines 29 ~ 39:

<EmotionCard ID="3">