Abnormality Page: Spores

Level Name Spores Rate +0
Artwork QueenBee_Funga Description [Single Ally]
When hit, inflict 1-3 Burn and 1-3 Bleed to the attacker next Scene.
Sephirah Malkuth Abnormality Queen Bee Emotion State Positive
Flavor text It has been confirmed that the spores carry drone eggs that hatch inside a living host.
  • Even if a drone dies, I can always make more to fill their role.
  • To bring my kingdom to greatness… I need more bees…
  • Do you know where all my drones have gone to?
  • Look at the great blue sky while you can.
Internal NameQueenBee_Funga
Name (EN)Spores
Name (KR)포자
Name (JP)胞子
Emotion Rate0
Script ::EmotionCardAbility_queenbee1
LOR: /card/emotioncard/EmotionCard_malkuth.xml, lines 121 ~ 132:

<EmotionCard ID="10">