Abnormality Page: Elation

Level Name Elation Rate -2
Artwork Porccubus_Boom Description [Single Ally]
Dice Power +1. Reduce Max Stagger Resist by 50%.
Sephirah Netzach Abnormality Porccubus Emotion State Negative
Flavor text Now it’s time for my head to burst. Good day.
  • If you wish for unbearable pleasure, you’ll break down eventually.
  • I’m just giving you laughter, so much that you might die laughing~
  • You’ll start with one, and keep wanting more.
  • Your head will soon be filled with happiness, almost enough to burst your head.
  • Once you’ve had a taste of this sweetness, you can’t quit.
Internal NamePorccubus_Boom
Name (EN)Elation
Name (KR)쾌락
Name (JP)快楽
Emotion Rate-2
Script ::EmotionCardAbility_porccubus2
LOR: /card/emotioncard/EmotionCard_netzach.xml, lines 95 ~ 106:

<EmotionCard ID="8">