Abnormality Page: Thorns

Level Name Thorns Rate +2
Artwork Porccubus_Thorn Description [Single Ally]
On a successful Pierce attack, inflict 1 Thrill to the target.
Against targets with 3+ Thrill, deal 2-7 bonus damage and Stagger damage, then remove all stacks of Thrill.(Excludes Mass Attacks)
Sephirah Netzach Abnormality Porccubus Emotion State Positive
Flavor text At first, all I had to do was be lightly pricked by one of the thorns. Now I have to rub my whole body against it to get the same high.
  • Sure, I’ll bend down for you~ Feel free to pet me.
  • It’s scary at first, but the next step won’t be difficult at all.
  • Come under me. I’ll liberate you from all kinds of pain.
  • Just a little taste of the heaven won’t hurt, right?
  • I pity those fools who don’t know this happiness~
Internal NamePorccubus_Thorn
Name (EN)Thorns
Name (KR)가시
Name (JP)トゲ
Emotion Rate2
Script ::EmotionCardAbility_porccubus
LOR: /card/emotioncard/EmotionCard_netzach.xml, lines 82 ~ 93:

<EmotionCard ID="7">