Abnormality Page: Teardrop

Level Name Teardrop Rate -2
Artwork ChildofGalaxy_Tear Description [Single Ally]
Dice Power +1. On death, all characters take 50% of this character's Max HP as damage. (Max. 60)
Sephirah Netzach Abnormality Child of the Galaxy Emotion State Negative
Flavor text I hear his whispers and breath. Pitch black darkness follows… just like the night I met him…
  • Walk across the Milky Way with me.
  • You’ll become a pebble, and join me.
  • Let’s go back, just like that night.
  • I’m so glad to meet you.
  • If you find me crying again, then wipe my tears for me.
Internal NameChildofGalaxy_Tear
Name (EN)Teardrop
Name (KR)눈물
Name (JP)
Emotion Rate-2
Script ::EmotionCardAbility_galaxyChild2
LOR: /card/emotioncard/EmotionCard_netzach.xml, lines 56 ~ 67:

<EmotionCard ID="5">