Abnormality Page: The Finale

Level Name The Finale Rate +0
Artwork SilentOrchestra_Finale Description [Single Ally]
Whenever the selected librarian Staggers an enemy, all enemies lose 1-6 Light at the start of the next Scene.
Sephirah Netzach Abnormality The Silent Orchestra Emotion State Positive
Flavor text “The music shall perforate your entire being.”
  • The music shall perforate your entire being.
  • If you can stand with your two legs, be willing to send your praise.
  • An endless applause, to inspire the conductor to lift their baton once more.
  • The beautiful melody circles the empty stage.
Internal NameSilentOrchestra_Finale
Name (EN)The Finale
Name (KR)피날레
Name (JP)フィナーレ
Emotion Rate0
Script ::EmotionCardAbility_orchestra3
LOR: /card/emotioncard/EmotionCard_netzach.xml, lines 186 ~ 197:

<EmotionCard ID="15">