Abnormality Page: Fervent Adoration

Level Name Fervent Adoration Rate -1
Artwork SilentOrchestra_Affect Description [Single Ally]
All enemies target random characters including their own allies for 2 Scenes. Enemies deal +2-4 damage with attacks while this effect lasts.
Sephirah Netzach Abnormality The Silent Orchestra Emotion State Negative
Flavor text The orchestra gives impetus to the music, bringing the entire department to its demise. When all the performers have gathered, the music that no one can hear but everyone can listen to begins.
  • The music that no one can hear, but everyone can listen to…
  • To the audience who shall walk into their seat upon hearing the choked up performance.
  • Tune permeates music, and music permeates people.
  • Don’t lock yourself in, open your eyes to behold the glorious music.
Internal NameSilentOrchestra_Affect
Name (EN)Fervent Adoration
Name (KR)열렬한 감동
Name (JP)熱烈な感動
Emotion Rate-1
Script ::EmotionCardAbility_orchestra2
LOR: /card/emotioncard/EmotionCard_netzach.xml, lines 173 ~ 184:

<EmotionCard ID="14">