Abnormality Page: Ever-repeating Performance

Level Name Ever-repeating Performance Rate +3
Artwork SilentOrchestra_Music Description [Single Ally]
Add an 'Ever-repeating Performance' page to the hand: ‘Cost 3 - [Single-use;][On Use] Ends the Scene. At the start of the next Scene, user's HP and Stagger Resist return to the values they had when acquiring this page, and fully restore Light.’
The page is also included in the deck at the start of subsequent Acts.
Sephirah Netzach Abnormality The Silent Orchestra Emotion State Positive
Flavor text The performance does not end. And Da capo. And, Da capo al Fine
  • From break and ruin, I begin the most beautiful performance.
  • A single performer standing in the midst of a silent score. He creates sounds where there is none.
  • Even if my hands were to stop, it would rise from your mind.
  • This blindingly entrancing stage will be prepared again soon.
Internal NameSilentOrchestra_Music
Name (EN)Ever-repeating Performance
Name (KR)반복되는 연주
Name (JP)繰り返される演奏
Emotion Rate3
Script ::EmotionCardAbility_orchestra1
LOR: /card/emotioncard/EmotionCard_netzach.xml, lines 160 ~ 171:

<EmotionCard ID="13">