Abnormality Page: Spring’s Genesis

Level Name Spring’s Genesis Rate +1
Artwork Alriune_Doll Description [Single Ally]
Each Scene, a 'Petal' attaches to a random enemy.
After the character with the Petal takes 4 hits in a single Scene, all characters take 3-7 Stagger damage, and the librarian becomes untargetable for the next Scene.
Sephirah Netzach Abnormality Alriune Emotion State Positive
Flavor text Unwithering flowers violently blossom.
  • Will you be the one to grant my wish?
  • With unwithering flowers began my magnificent descent to despair.
  • Spring is a season when sins committed anew are forgiven again.
  • We only stay in this world for a fleeting moment.
Internal NameAlriune_Doll
Name (EN)Spring’s Genesis
Name (KR)봄의 탄생
Name (JP)春の誕生
Emotion Rate1
Script ::EmotionCardAbility_alriune3
LOR: /card/emotioncard/EmotionCard_netzach.xml, lines 147 ~ 158:

<EmotionCard ID="12">