Abnormality Page: Gluttony

Level Name Gluttony Rate +2
Artwork FairyCarnival_Gluttony Description [Single Ally]
When attacking a target who already took damage on the same Scene, deal +1-3 damage and recover 2-5 HP on hit.
Sephirah Malkuth Abnormality Fairy Festival Emotion State Positive
Flavor text The fairies were no more than carnivorous monsters, and their “protection” was their method to keep the meat fresh.
  • The reason we’re staying by your side? Of course it’s to protect you!
  • Enjoy the fairies’ care to your heart’s content.
  • A good person like you shouldn’t die at the hands of anyone else.
  • We won’t harm you, as long as you don’t do anything evil.
  • Are you doubting us? That’s a wicked thought you have…
Internal NameFairyCarnival_Gluttony
Name (EN)Gluttony
Name (KR)식탐
Name (JP)食い意地
Emotion Rate2
Script ::EmotionCardAbility_fairy2
LOR: /card/emotioncard/EmotionCard_malkuth.xml, lines 95 ~ 106:

<EmotionCard ID="8">