Abnormality Page: Happy Memories

Level Name Happy Memories Rate +2
Artwork HappyTeddyBear_Memory Description [Single Ally]
The Combat Page with the highest Cost in hand is chosen (Excludes [On Play] pages). Using pages with the same name will decrease the Cost of every copy of that page the character currently owns by 1.
Sephirah Malkuth Abnormality Happy Teddy Bear Emotion State Positive
Flavor text But, you see, Teddy never wanted to be separate from its owner ever again.
  • Why are you trying to leave me? We were such good friends…
  • Don’t leave me. You’ll change your mind when I hug you just once more.
  • It’s too sad to say goodbye twice…
  • Why do you have to leave me and promise to meet again?
  • Have you come to dislike me because I hugged you too tight?
Internal NameHappyTeddyBear_Memory
Name (EN)Happy Memories
Name (KR)행복한 기억
Name (JP)幸せな思い出
Emotion Rate2
Script ::EmotionCardAbility_teddy2
LOR: /card/emotioncard/EmotionCard_malkuth.xml, lines 56 ~ 67:

<EmotionCard ID="5">