Abnormality Page: Footfalls

Level Name Footfalls Rate -3
Artwork ScorchedGirl_Walk Description [All Allies]
When a librarian's HP is at 20% or lower, deal 30% of the target's Max HP as damage (Max. 36) and inflict 1-3 Burn upon approaching them, then die.
Sephirah Malkuth Abnormality Scorched Girl Emotion State Negative
Flavor text I am coming to you. You, who will be reduced to ash like me.
  • If I must perish, then join me.
  • It’s just too sad to die alone… You know this feeling well, don’t you?
  • Wait for me. I am coming to you, who will be reduced to ash…
  • Step by step… Burn into pitch black char.
  • Is there anything I can do, me, a scorched dark child?
Internal NameScorchedGirl_Walk
Name (EN)Footfalls
Name (KR)발걸음
Name (JP)歩み
Emotion Rate-3
Script ::EmotionCardAbility_burnningGirl2
LOR: /card/emotioncard/EmotionCard_malkuth.xml, lines 17 ~ 28:

<EmotionCard ID="2">